Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

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Catherine Monaghan

Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

I thought you might enjoy this photo. Kinda wish you were there, huh?

<img src=" ... jpg"></Img>

Re: Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

Post by Bill »


Thanks Cathy/Bruce

Warren Kaplan

Re: Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

Post by Warren Kaplan »


Warren Kaplan
Joel Silverberg

Re: Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

Post by Joel Silverberg »

Cathy, can you identify the boats in this great photo. One is clearly Heather Ann. Who are the other two?


Re: Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

Post by Jon »


Great shot! Great boats! Bonus points for the tanbark sails too!

CD25 Sovereign
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Here's ID of Vessels....

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captains Commanding,

The vessels are Heather Anne (tanbark), under command of Captain Leo MacDonald and Macht Niegts (sp), commanded by Captain Michael Heintz on Starboard, and that is the Pirate vessel Hanalei on Port, Captain Commanding well, you know!

Great picture Cathy, we MUST do it again...Your HUMBLE Servant....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "#1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Fleet
Richard Feffer

Re: Here's ID of Vessels....Correction!

Post by Richard Feffer »

Sorry Old Chap, but you've gotten your vessels mixed up! The CD30MKII on starboard tack is "Adamarie" under the command of yours truely and assisted by his all female crew! (wife-Adamarie and daughter-Christine.) Perhaps I should not have admitted to the crew being family! It may have raised some curiosity!
Michael Heintz

You are correct sir !!!! Not Macht Nichts

Post by Michael Heintz »


You are correct sir!!!!!..... I guess YOU would know !!!!!!!!

It is however a damn good looking boat !!!!!!!!!

Let's hear from the pirate Dave !!!

Michael Heintz
Capatain Commanding
s/v Mancht Nichts ( not Adamarie)
Michael Heintz

Macht Nichts's Position

Post by Michael Heintz »

Actually Dave,

Macht Nichts is "off camera", getting reaty to jibe around, comming up between Adamarie and Hanalie, to broadside them with cannon fire, ie Water Ballons.

Dave I hope you got all those ballon remnents off the deck. :-)

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II 004
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Moving SO fast, miss identification...

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Feffer,

Hanalei was full and by, hard to weather as can be seen. She passed the sterns of these vessels at such a rate as to make their identification almost impossible. However, she did fire a broadside that raked both vessels fore and aft. Now, Sir, if ya believe that one, I have this bridge for sale.....I remain, Sir, your embarrassed Servant...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C "#1"
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Fleet
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Cape Dorys tacking their way to Napatree anchorage

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Though the boats have been identified in the posts above, I guess everyone was so excited about the photo they forgot to look at the caption at the bottom of the photo! :-)) Adamarie is the CD30MKII on starboard tack on the left side of the photo, Hanalei (CD30C) is the boat on port tack to the right, and Heather Ann (CD30K) is the one with the tanbark sails.


Joel Silverberg wrote: Cathy, can you identify the boats in this great photo. One is clearly Heather Ann. Who are the other two?

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