volvo MD7 fresh water cooled impeller ?

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Chris Cram

volvo MD7 fresh water cooled impeller ?

Post by Chris Cram »

Ok My turn to ask a bone head question. There is obviously an impellor in the water pump for the fresh water cooling system but what pumps the raw water thru the motor where is this pump or impeller? I was in a mind this weekend to change it for no other reason than I felt it was time for a check whem...... I realize my engine manual is for the raw water version not the fresh water version and of course removing the pump (impeller) cover results in coolant flowing all over the place. Messy!!! So I put the cover back and now I through myself on the mercy of the board.
Thank you and be gentle
Ken Cave

Re: volvo MD7 fresh water cooled impeller ?

Post by Ken Cave »

OK, I will be gentle!!

It sounds like you have an aftermarket fresh water cooler on your MD7A, as I do not believe Volvo made a fresh water model! You might secure a mirror and a good light and see if you can find any name plate on the fresh water system, then go to Google (the best search engine out there) and type in the name. If they are in business, ask them for a booklet on replacing the impeller-or the whole unit for that matter.

Ken Cave
Stan W.

Re: volvo MD7 fresh water cooled impeller ?

Post by Stan W. »

The fresh water cooled MD7A in my '79 CD 28 is equipped with a "Sendure" heat exchanger mounted on the upper left as you face the front of the engine. The extra pump is mounted on the front of the engine (a little to the right of the heat exchanger) and is driven by an extra belt running off a pulley attached to a shaft at the point ordinarily used for manual starting. This set-up looks like it came as original equipment from Cape Dory.
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