Universal 18 RPM/Temp

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Universal 18 RPM/Temp

Post by Scott »

Anyone suggest the normal/optimal Rpm’s for a Universal 18 at idle, Rpm’s while running with a normal load, and temperature for a Universal 18 in a CD 30? Also, what is the maximum Rpm's to run at safely?

Will Parker

Re: Universal 18 RPM/Temp

Post by Will Parker »

When cruising I run between 2300 and 2600. Max is 3200. Ordinarily you should cruise at no more than about 80% to 85% of max.
Idle can be adjusted but mine idles at about 800/900. The operators manual states that "normal" operating temperature range is between 165 and 190. I believe that most people would say to expect about 180 degrees at cruising RPM. I recently removed my heat exchanger and "boiled" it out with muriatic acid because the engine was overheating. Since re-installing it, I can't get the temperature over 160 degrees, even when cruising..
CD 30
Hull # 358
Scott wrote: Anyone suggest the normal/optimal Rpm’s for a Universal 18 at idle, Rpm’s while running with a normal load, and temperature for a Universal 18 in a CD 30? Also, what is the maximum Rpm's to run at safely?

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