I have just sumbmerged my 2.5 Nissan outboard in salt water for the 2nd time in 4years-the first time was at the end of the season and assuming it was dead I left it the garage all winter-never started it-in the spring I tried to pull it apart and found everything was sealed-so I squirted some oil in the cylnder-put it in a barrell and started it up and it ran! this time-someone (not me) dropped it ouf the dinghy dock-I fished it out-put it on the stern of the dinghy-opened the vent and gas (which were closed both times) and it fired right up and has been running ever since-not bad eh? I wonder if you could do the same thing with one of their cars-just kidding-I suspect the CDI ignition has alot to do with it-(no points to rust)-seems like a great little motor
Nissan Outboards
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Nissan Outboards
Haven't had that kinda "luck"... but I must agree that Nissan makes
a great outboard! I had a 4hp 2-stroke on my last Typhoon and bought
a 6hp 4-stroke for my current CD25. While the 6 won't move Brigitta
quite as fast as the 9.9 did, getting it in and out the well is now
childs play! And cruising at 5.5 knots is just fine for those times
when I must. (Don't miss mixing fuel either!)
a great outboard! I had a 4hp 2-stroke on my last Typhoon and bought
a 6hp 4-stroke for my current CD25. While the 6 won't move Brigitta
quite as fast as the 9.9 did, getting it in and out the well is now
childs play! And cruising at 5.5 knots is just fine for those times
when I must. (Don't miss mixing fuel either!)