water in bilge

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water in bilge

Post by Cheryl »

Why does my Ty bilge have water in it. I have redone the whole boat and there are no drips that I know of. Thanks

Dan Moore

Re: water in bilge

Post by Dan Moore »

Check around your chainplates and your seat hatches. Also, the main cabin hatch is not the most watertight design. Look around the cabin for telltale drips. Unless you are getting a lot of water, (like having to pump out every day), I wouldn't get too concerned.


Re: water in bilge

Post by sloopjohnl »

been asking myself the same question for years. tried it all, still get water. one good thing though, you can fill the bilge and have two inches on the cabin floor and she still floats. just pump it out when that happens!!!!!

Cheryl wrote: Why does my Ty bilge have water in it. I have redone the whole boat and there are no drips that I know of. Thanks
Mitch Feeney

Re: water in bilge

Post by Mitch Feeney »

Not sure, but I have the same problem. Some of it may be from condensation. I have noticed that up here in the cold waters of Maine there is almost always condensation below the waterline on the inside of the hull. This would eventually drip down to the bilge and fill it up over time.
I once had the fitting at the end of my fuel line break- 3 gallons of gas trickled down into the bilge. I pumped and cleaned it out as best I could, but several years later its still pretty nasty down there. I figure a little fresh water rinse could do her some good!

- M i t c h

Cheryl wrote: Why does my Ty bilge have water in it. I have redone the whole boat and there are no drips that I know of. Thanks
Jim Sullivan

Re: water in bilge

Post by Jim Sullivan »

Cheryl wrote: Why does my Ty bilge have water in it. I have redone the whole boat and there are no drips that I know of. Thanks
I have commented on this issue before and appear to be the exception on this board as far as one whose Ty generally does no get water in the bilge. I do sail my boat hard at times and it does rain here in RI. The main points on a Ty where rain water can come in are around the cockpit locker covers and around the companionway/cabin hatch. I would not be concerned if the water that accumulates in the bilge is from rain events or washing the boat down. I would however be concerned if the water is coming from below the water line. I would certainly check around the thru hulls if you haven't already done so for any leaks. I do get rain water on the cabin sole but never to the extent where it is high enough to enter the bilge access. I keep the wooden bilge access cover off during the season to allow for air circulation. Whether this has any bearing on the fact that I don't seem to get water in the bilge, I do not know. Having this cover off however would only reduce the extent of condensation.


Re: water in bilge

Post by Marino »

Jim Sullivan wrote:
Cheryl wrote: Why does my Ty bilge have water in it. I have redone the whole boat and there are no drips that I know of. Thanks
I have commented on this issue before and appear to be the exception on this board as far as one whose Ty generally does no get water in the bilge. I do sail my boat hard at times and it does rain here in RI. The main points on a Ty where rain water can come in are around the cockpit locker covers and around the companionway/cabin hatch. I would not be concerned if the water that accumulates in the bilge is from rain events or washing the boat down. I would however be concerned if the water is coming from below the water line. I would certainly check around the thru hulls if you haven't already done so for any leaks. I do get rain water on the cabin sole but never to the extent where it is high enough to enter the bilge access. I keep the wooden bilge access cover off during the season to allow for air circulation. Whether this has any bearing on the fact that I don't seem to get water in the bilge, I do not know. Having this cover off however would only reduce the extent of condensation.

My old Ty #74 doesn't get any water it the bilge either. At least none that I can see looking back from the access hole. Only once did I get water in there that eventually froze - but that was my own stupidity. I left my lazarette covers off for a while over the winter and my tarp leaked water into them. What a job thawing the boat out!.

I have heard of the newer Ty's leaking at the rudder post. The ones with the piece of teak in lieu of fiberglass support. That would be a straight shot for water to get into the bilge.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug

Mike Wainfeld

Re: water in bilge

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Cheryl-You say that there are no drips that you know of-One way to find possible leaks is to get inside, close the boat up and have someone spray her with a hose. Direct a strong spray on the chainplates, the portlights, the foredeck deck plate. Thats where I found leaks on my Ty. I rebedded the deck plate and the ports. I tried to rebed the chanplates, but was unable to remove the bolts. But when I put new nylock nuts on smeared with lifecaulk, the leak stopped.
The funny thing also was that after some rains there was a lot of water, sometimes none. Currently the bilge is pretty dry. Good luck!
Mike Wainfeld
CD Typhoon "Regalo"

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