New Website for CD-33 "Bandolera II"

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Moderator: Jim Walsh

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New Website for CD-33 "Bandolera II"

Post by zeida »

Thanks to all for the encouraging comments! This is the first time I attempt anything like this. Have no idea if it is working properly. Does it take lots of time to download, or does it come up relatively fast? Can you access ALL the pages with no problem? It is certainly lots of fun for me to do it! Cheers.


Re: New Website for CD-33 "Bandolera II"

Post by Jon »


Your site is GREAT! I really love Bandolera II. The pages load fine. There is one thing I noticed - you picture of "Goldie." It appears that it was not saved as a jpeg. I think the file is over 500k in size. Could that be saved as a jpeg at about 1/10 the size, as all the others?

All the best,
CD25 Sovereign

Re: New Website for CD-33 "Bandolera II"

Post by zeida »


Thanks for your note and comment on Goldie... will be correcting it ASAP.

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