Typhoon Daysailer Pictures

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Typhoon Daysailer Pictures

Post by morkins »

John Nuttall

What year is your Weekender...???

Post by John Nuttall »

I have seen some brochures of Weekenders and there was a little cuddy cabin forward of the mast....

I was wondering what evolutions the Weekenders went thru....

These Ty's are such beautiful boats, aren't they?

Nice pics, pretty brightwork, GREAT JOB!

s/v Aimless


Re: Typhoon Daysailer Pictures

Post by zeida »

What nice pictures of such a cute boat... what year is this Ty? All the ones I've ever seen have an enclosed cuddy cabin and look like tiny full-fledged sailboats. No matter how big or small, the Cape Dorys are special boats. Congratulations.

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