ACHILLES: Picked this up this spring from one of our esteemed CDSOA people!:) Turns out our needs call for a slightly different yacht tender, so I'm putting this up for sale. It's a 9-1/2 foot Achilles, about 16 years old. I put over $300 into refurbishing it in May (at Sound Inflatables), new motor mount, new towing bridle, new valves, professional going over. Holds air indefinitely. It has been well cared for by its former owner, does not look its age.Comes complete with oars, new pump,current CT registration and old motor mount too if you want it. Has folding wood floorboard arrangement and new velcro fittings on the separate (aft) wooden thwart.
I recall someone else on this list was interested in this dink, so if you're still there, holler - or anyone who could use this real nice load carrier.
Price $600 and it's in SE CT.
FG DINK: I still have my 8' rigid FG (noname) dink FS which came from another of our esteemed CDSOA people! It has similar lines to the Dyer rowing dink, but with harder chines for better stability (IMHO) We used it all last summer and it was fine. We are selling it with a 2hp Evinrude Jr. motor. Fair cosmetically - could use some repainting - otherwise completely sound, with foam/canvas rub strake, oars. Also current valid CT reg.
$500 with motor.
Thanks for reading.
CD27 #4 "Alphee"
9-1/2 inflatable ACHILLES tender and 8' FG dink FS in CT
Moderator: Jim Walsh