Our TY has a screw type deck plate located on the aft bulkhead of the cockpit. It was installed to low and the tiller assembly rubs against it. Unscrewing the plate is a major ordeal. I can move the plate up an inch or just remove it altogether. What do you use this access hole for? Thanks, Robert
TY Cockpit Deck Plate
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: TY Cockpit Deck Plate
I have used this opening to access the hardware on aft deck as well as the stern light. My tiller also rubs against the plate cover on occasion. If you re-locate this plate, you will be left with an area to patch and fill in. I think that lower profile covers are available such as a screen type. I try to avoid moving tiller to an upright or vertical position and this generally helps in preventing contact with the access plate on bulkhead.Robert wrote: Our TY has a screw type deck plate located on the aft bulkhead of the cockpit. It was installed to low and the tiller assembly rubs against it. Unscrewing the plate is a major ordeal. I can move the plate up an inch or just remove it altogether. What do you use this access hole for? Thanks, Robert
Re: TY Cockpit Deck Plate
My deck plate is also just behind the tiller fitting. I think its function is to allow a little space for the fitting. I have to remove the deck plate to remove the head of the tiller from the rudder post. Otherwise the fitting doesn't have enough room to clear the rudder post.
I have also used mine when I installed a hand operated bilge pump. The through hull is on the aft port side of my boat and to access its installation, I used the deck plate opening.
I have also used mine when I installed a hand operated bilge pump. The through hull is on the aft port side of my boat and to access its installation, I used the deck plate opening.
Re: TY Cockpit Deck Plate
if you keep a motor permanently mounted, you can put your gas can in one of the cockpit lockers and then run the fuel line under the deck and out this access plate to the motor. when finished disconnect, slip it back in under the aft deck and put the screw-in cover back on.
Robert wrote: Our TY has a screw type deck plate located on the aft bulkhead of the cockpit. It was installed to low and the tiller assembly rubs against it. Unscrewing the plate is a major ordeal. I can move the plate up an inch or just remove it altogether. What do you use this access hole for? Thanks, Robert