Another obscure Cape Dory?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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chuck yahrling

Another obscure Cape Dory?

Post by chuck yahrling »

While perusing the pages of a used book I bought about Cat Boats, I came upon a caption for one picture that said:

"The Handy Cat is a 14-foot Cape Cod open-cockpit catboat designed by Merle Hallet in 1970 and built by Cape Dory, Inc."

One of our brethren, Tony Betz (Wildings) is a broker at Handy Boat, owned by the Hallets, in Falmouth, ME. I have forwarded the jpg to him and to Catherine Monaghan to post somewhere convenient.

Otherwise, RVSP and I will send you a copy.
Catherine Monaghan

Re: It's been added...

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

to the Specifications on the "About Cape Dory Boats" web page at:

<a href=" ... m#specs</a>

Thanks Chuck,
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
CCDOA Assistant Webmaster

chuck yahrling wrote: While perusing the pages of a used book I bought about Cat Boats, I came upon a caption for one picture that said:

"The Handy Cat is a 14-foot Cape Cod open-cockpit catboat designed by Merle Hallet in 1970 and built by Cape Dory, Inc."

One of our brethren, Tony Betz (Wildings) is a broker at Handy Boat, owned by the Hallets, in Falmouth, ME. I have forwarded the jpg to him and to Catherine Monaghan to post somewhere convenient.

Otherwise, RVSP and I will send you a copy.
Leo MacDonald

"Cape - 30"

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hi Cathy,

2 years ago in the Mystic River (CT) I passed hat the owner called a "Cape Dory 30". I was on Heather Ann, a CD30K, and it definitely was not the same boat. Dave Perry of Robinhood Marine said that Cape Dory Yachts built 5 or 6(?) "Cape 30"s designed by Ted Hood (?)

Can we add these to the 'About Cape Dory’s' page?

Fair Winds,

Re: "Cape - 30"

Post by Jon »

Don't forget the 35' Intrepid. Designed by McCurdy & Rhodes, CD made just a handful (5?) of these too. This one is already on the list though.

The link below goes to one if you'd like a look.

CD25 Sovereign
Catherine Monaghan

I said it once and I'll say it again...

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

The only reason we don't have any information posted regarding these boats is because nobody's provided it. Please send us any sales brochures or Owners Manuals for these boats and I'll be glad to add them. Send me an e-mail if you're willing to share these items with the rest of the Cape Dory community.

By the way, I'm working on the Intrepid 28 and 9M info. Three Intrepid owners were kind enough to offer copies of their brochures, etc., regarding that model.

CCDOA Assistant Webmaster
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Jon wrote: Don't forget the 35' Intrepid. Designed by McCurdy & Rhodes, CD made just a handful (5?) of these too. This one is already on the list though.

The link below goes to one if you'd like a look.

CD25 Sovereign
Joe Mac Phee

Handy Cat lives!

Post by Joe Mac Phee »

I have that cat boat. In 1973, I purchased the Handy Cat for around $2400 (1973 dollars). The Handy Cat was adapted from a design by Merle Hallet at Handy Boat in Falmouth Foreside, Maine. The boat is a classic Cape Cod cat boat, 14 foot length, 7 foot beam, and about 800# displacement. It has a centerboard drawing 4 ft. 6 in. when down amd a large outboard "barn door" rudder with a laminated teak tiller. The 140 sq. ft. gaff sail is bent to spars of solid sitka spruce, finished bright. The gaff has oak jaws and lignum vitae pintle beads. The luff has oak mast hoops and the gaff and boom are lashed to the sail. The mast has a single forestay and teak wedges are used at the base. The cockpit seats, coamings, toe rail, boom crutch, and hatch covers are all teak. The bronze blocks have teak shells. All hardware is bronze. The boom is about 3 feet longer than the boat. It is very pretty and usually attracts much attention. I believe that the building rights to the Handy Cat reside at Nauset Marine and is still available on a build-to-order basis.

Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe CD-30 K
S/V Sphinx CD Handy Cat
don sargant

Re: Handy Cat lives!

Post by don sargant »

But were they ever built by Cape Dory? I always thought they were made by Cape Cod Shipbuilding -- like Mercurys and Rhodes 18s????
Joe Mac Phee wrote: I have that cat boat. In 1973, I purchased the Handy Cat for around $2400 (1973 dollars). The Handy Cat was adapted from a design by Merle Hallet at Handy Boat in Falmouth Foreside, Maine. The boat is a classic Cape Cod cat boat, 14 foot length, 7 foot beam, and about 800# displacement. It has a centerboard drawing 4 ft. 6 in. when down amd a large outboard "barn door" rudder with a laminated teak tiller. The 140 sq. ft. gaff sail is bent to spars of solid sitka spruce, finished bright. The gaff has oak jaws and lignum vitae pintle beads. The luff has oak mast hoops and the gaff and boom are lashed to the sail. The mast has a single forestay and teak wedges are used at the base. The cockpit seats, coamings, toe rail, boom crutch, and hatch covers are all teak. The bronze blocks have teak shells. All hardware is bronze. The boom is about 3 feet longer than the boat. It is very pretty and usually attracts much attention. I believe that the building rights to the Handy Cat reside at Nauset Marine and is still available on a build-to-order basis.

Joe Mac Phee
S/V Iolanthe CD-30 K
S/V Sphinx CD Handy Cat
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