Roller Furling - Hood DL Model

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Tom B

Roller Furling - Hood DL Model

Post by Tom B »

I have an older Hood DL roller furling unit on my CD25 that was just recently purchased. This is a double line or spliced loop line unit. It is not the newer SL (single line model). The roller furling unit works fine for furling but haven't tried reefing the sail.Does anyone else out there have a Hood DL with experience with reefing with this model?

Re: Roller Furling - Hood DL Model

Post by brian »

Tom B wrote: I have an older Hood DL roller furling unit on my CD25 that was just recently purchased. This is a double line or spliced loop line unit. It is not the newer SL (single line model). The roller furling unit works fine for furling but haven't tried reefing the sail.Does anyone else out there have a Hood DL with experience with reefing with this model?
we have the same model on our CD28(maybe different drum size). The system was flawless on a one year cruise. Two things to mind when reefing: 1: make sure the drum is spaced so that you can slip a nickle in between. 2. When reefing take all the slack out of the control line. If you are tacking alot the line can jam in the drum if it is left slack.

We thought about replacing it before we left becuase we were told it wasn't good enough; however, we have flown our working jib reefed in 30+ kts without any slipping.

John R.

Seafurl "LD"

Post by John R. »

Tom B wrote: I have an older Hood DL roller furling unit on my CD25 that was just recently purchased. This is a double line or spliced loop line unit. It is not the newer SL (single line model). The roller furling unit works fine for furling but haven't tried reefing the sail.Does anyone else out there have a Hood DL with experience with reefing with this model?
I think you are refering to the Hood Seafurl "LD" model designation, meaning "Line Drive". We've got two of them on board and they work great. You can reef just fine with them just be sure and cleat off both lines, usually done on the same cleat. The "LD" furlers are recommended by Hood to only be used with Yale "ULS" yacht braid for the continuous furling line. If your unit is the model #705 then it uses 3/8" (10mm)line. If the unit is either the #810 or #915 then it uses 7/16" (11mm) line. The gap should be 1/8" between the upper and lower sheave covers. Someone else mentioned using a "nickel" to check the gap.

Running the genoa lead block forward will help to gain a good sheet lead when reefed.
Tom B

Re: Seafurl "LD"

Post by Tom B »

Thanks for the infor - it is the Hood LD unit. I'll get my nickel out to check the gap, I do have the correct line. Is there a way to adjust the clearance between the drums?
John R.

Re: Seafurl "LD"

Post by John R. »

Tom B wrote: John
Thanks for the infor - it is the Hood LD unit. I'll get my nickel out to check the gap, I do have the correct line. Is there a way to adjust the clearance between the drums?
Loosen the upper sheave top set screw and adjust the upper sheave top. Call Hood and they will probably have a owners manual they will send you if you do not have one. They are usually very good about that sort of thing.
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