My winches on the Typhoon I recently purchased are aluminum and are seized. I would like to replace them with bronze. Any ideas on where to find them and how much? Do you really even need winches to pull in that small jib. Are bronze winches original? My Typhoon is a 1974. Also looking to replace the chromed portholes with bronze. Thank you for any suggestions.
need bronze winches and portholes for TY
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: need bronze winches and portholes for TY
I have two Gibbs winches that came off my 75 TY. As I remember, one is stained but they are otherwise in good shape. Let me know if you're interested. I replaced them with Harken #6 winches a few years ago.
I also replaced my plastic! port lights with bronze ones from Spartan. The Spartan ones require a cutout that is about 1/2" inch larger than the original ones. I let the yard do it and they did a great job.
I also replaced my plastic! port lights with bronze ones from Spartan. The Spartan ones require a cutout that is about 1/2" inch larger than the original ones. I let the yard do it and they did a great job.
Re: need bronze winches and portholes for TY
see my post to Hal of 6/07/01 regarding portlights.
Jay Bonahoom wrote: My winches on the Typhoon I recently purchased are aluminum and are seized. I would like to replace them with bronze. Any ideas on where to find them and how much? Do you really even need winches to pull in that small jib. Are bronze winches original? My Typhoon is a 1974. Also looking to replace the chromed portholes with bronze. Thank you for any suggestions.