Thanks to all for the lessoms on triming the stay sail. One more question, what is the proper tuning for the shroud/stay itself? The previous owner had it quite loose, causing a fair sized pocket in the sail. How tight should it be?
Jim Newton
Alcyone CD30
Stay Sail Shroud: trim lessons cont'd.
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Stay Sail Shroud: trim lessons cont'd.
There is no opposing stay for the stays'l on the CD30 so you can't make it as tight as the other shrouds. If the "general" rule of thumb is to have all the other shrouds within an inch "give" when you apply moderate pressure on them, then I would say that the inner forestay could have a healthy inch and a half. Ideally you would like to make that nice and tight, but with no opposing stay, you just pull the mid section of the mast forward when you apply too much tension. You could consider running back stays for when it's really blowing and you'd like to really get that stays'l stay tight for a nice flat sail.