Has anyone come across a good basic book on how to maintain and complete minor repairs on a 9.9 Yamaha four stroke? The printed material that comes with the engine essential tells you to take it back to the dealer for every problem.
Yamaha "how to" books
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Yamaha "how to" books
Sorry but my yamaha dealer tells me anything newer than a 95 you must get a Yamaha shop book, they are pretty steep ~65 bucks. I have seem books for ones older than 95 in his shop, I think they were clymer's (spelling?)
Re: Yamaha "how to" books
$65 bucks...wow...but who knows these days...a little bit of parts is right up there and labor is not cheap if you can do it yourself...My 86 Yamaha Service manual is Yamaha Part Number LIT-18616-00-18..covered the FT9.9XK, FT9.9ELK, and FT9.9EXK...has saved me mucho bucks thru the years....
Jeff Funston wrote: Sorry but my yamaha dealer tells me anything newer than a 95 you must get a Yamaha shop book, they are pretty steep ~65 bucks. I have seem books for ones older than 95 in his shop, I think they were clymer's (spelling?)