keel stepped mast

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keel stepped mast

Post by John »

the owners manual states there is a mast pin which is put in place after the mast is tuned. I have not been able to find the pin on my 31, but there is a hole on each side of the metal piece on the deck where the mast passes through. Can anyone tell me where to get the pin & how it is installed. Thanks, John CD31 #18

Re: keel stepped mast

Post by Tom »

John, There is a hole in the collar around the mast at the mast partners and a corresponding hole in the mast. The pin is a stainless rod with holes in both ends that accept cotter pins. Essentially it's a long clevis pin. It's function is to support the cabin top in the center when people walk on it and also to keep the cabin top from pumping up and down when the mast loads it from one side and the other. If you've got a mast boot on it may be hidden under the mast boot because it is right at the level of the cabin top. Uf the pin isn't in there you may have to loosen the rig and use the mast wedges to move the mast back and forth until the holes line up.

This is an important pin, because as you know Cape Dorys tend to work the deck and cause stress fractures where the cabin side meets the deck. I just re-stepped my mast and it looked like a half inch pin to me but I didn't actually measure it. BTW is you want to use Spar-Tite you can still do it, you just don't fill the crevice up all the way but leave the fill short of the pin so it can be removed to pull the mast.

The pin is almost a foot long so if you don't have one, you'll probably have to have one made up at a machine shop. I don't know where you would buy one.

John wrote: the owners manual states there is a mast pin which is put in place after the mast is tuned. I have not been able to find the pin on my 31, but there is a hole on each side of the metal piece on the deck where the mast passes through. Can anyone tell me where to get the pin & how it is installed. Thanks, John CD31 #18
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