trailering a CD25D?

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trailering a CD25D?

Post by Don »

Any information about trailering a CD 25D? Where can I find one or have one built? I have a Dodge 3/4 ton diesel pick-up.

Re: trailering a CD25D?

Post by Robert »

Triad can make one for you, although they are expensive.
Don wrote: Any information about trailering a CD 25D? Where can I find one or have one built? I have a Dodge 3/4 ton diesel pick-up.
Dave Olson

Re: trailering a CD25D?

Post by Dave Olson »

Traid Trailers is the company who built most of the trailers for Cape Dory. They have the plans for the 25D trailer in their files... Nice Folks too!...

We have a 25d that we pull behind our Expedition... No problem!.. You won't have any problems with your rig...

We are setting up our trailer for better launching and retrieving off a ramp. Our old triad doesn't have the same features as a new one...

Let me know if you have any other questions...
Jim Stull

Re: trailering a CD25D?

Post by Jim Stull »

Don wrote: Any information about trailering a CD 25D? Where can I find one or have one built? I have a Dodge 3/4 ton diesel pick-up.
Hi Don
I trailered the CD27 we are rebuilding home from Maine last winter, (to Western PA),with our Ford 250 diesel without problems. Paul Schulz, on this board, was kind enough to get me started with his plans. I had a local builder fabricate the trailer. He did a beautiful job at about half the price of the "big guys".
I Imagine the little shop that built mine could work with you to alter the design a little for the smaller boat.
Let me know if you would like a couple of pictures of the trailer.
Garrard Young

Re: trailering a CD25D?

Post by Garrard Young »

I had one built by Triad this winter and brought my 25D home to Georgia from Michigan in April. I was very pleased. I have trailed other boats, much lighter than the Dory, and know that trailing a sailboat can be very damaging to the boat. The harsh jarring from potholes is certainly unlike the stresses the boat was designed to handle in the water. The Dorys are solidly built and I'm confident can be trailed for their lifetime if properly supported. However, their size and weight pose risks to you and everyone on the road, so be sure you trailer is STURDY (overbuilt is a term that should apply here) with good brakes that are approved in your home state (regulations vary).
I recommend that you ask Michael Orro at Triad ( for his promotional package. I learned things from that package that other manufacturers didn't even metion in their proposals.
Incidentally, Triad is a very small family owned business. My dealings with them became highly personal and I'm no longer objective; if anything involves trailers, I trust Michael. He was adament in recommending the tor-flex axle upgrade to me. It was a minor cost increase so I figured it couldn't be a big deal. Wrong! He was right; this suspension is much better than any I've ezperienced and made a Big difference in minimizing road shocks to my boat (Michigan roads are terrible... mean... nasty....vile... brutal).
Since I plan to keep my Dory a long time and hope to sail in distant waters, I feel it was worth the expense. Your F250 will handle the load comfortably.
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