Leoma hull to deck joint

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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by JD-MDR »

A couple guys spent the week with fairing compound and sandpaper then yesterday put two coats of high build primer. I think they will finish painting this week. I may have to cut back on some metal work. I need to see my bill after paint. We will see
MMSI 368198510
John Stone
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by John Stone »

So you are doing this in Mexico? How far down the coast? You are staying ashore I assume? Have you decided about the toe rail or bulwarks? While I would have preferred they do this with a couple layers of biaxial I am sure it's going to be great. I learned about this from Hal Roth on his Spencer 35 Whisper. I don't think he used biaxial. I also don't think it really matters they didn't remove the chainplates. They are set far enough inboard there should be plenty of cloth and epoxy or resin to strengthen the joint.

Have you or do you have plans to rebed those chainplates? I can't remember if you have tackled that project. This would be a good place to use butyl rubber.

You have put in a tremendous amount of effort to improve and refine Leoma. I think you are going to be very pleased when all this work is behind you. What's next in your plans?
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by JD-MDR »

Thanks for the response. JS. Yes. I’m at Baja Naval boatyard and marina. Ensenada Mx. It’s about 65 mi from San Diego. This boatyard is letting me stay on the boat. I try to stay out of their way during the day. I can keep an eye on them.
I wont be putting a toe or rub rail. And don’t have enough money to finish the bulwarks. I will install the modified stanchion bases and reintaall the old temporary bulwarks that I made out of DF from HDepot. Here is my design for the stern light that will mount on the windvane tube
Yes the chainplates are all rebeded. Actually a waste because. I had already rebedded them with butyl. I had them removed and bedded again. But I thought they were glassing under them. I think my bedding work was fine. I see now that all the leaking was from the deck seam not all the hardware that I’ve bedded and rebedded over and over trying to stop the leaking
They are welding now and have started the finish painting. I haven’t decided how to make the mounts for the sidelights. I want them to be super nice and mount on the pulpit. But I will use the deck mount lights that were new last year. I can’t afford to buy anything.
Sailing plans may change. I have a Novia here. She doesn’t speak English at all but I’m getting good at Spanish. We are probably gonna get married. I made her agree to let me go sailing whenever I want. I will probably continue to live on the boat cus she is at work 16 hrs 5 days for very little pay and has three adult kids at home. One is a teacher and two are at the university. She is a navy vet and is working security on the docks. Her home is one step above a shanty maybe two but she is content. Her husband left 10 yrs ago. Im robbing the cradle being 69 yrs old and she is 51. She says that is perfect age. I agree.
I hope it’s not TMI.
. When I fix the house a little maybe I’ll live there.No hot water. No flushing toilet and the kids get the bdrms. Its just a cold concrete box. I’m ok with her staying with me two nights a week for now
MMSI 368198510
John Stone
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by John Stone »

We are all just trying to find a way through the world that works for us. No one path for all people. It seems to me the purpose of life is happiness. If your Novia is creating happiness in your life and hers too then it seems like a good thing to me. As the saying goes "Carry on Mr Bowditch."

I'm interested to see how Leoma turns out. Keep the faith.
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Location: s/v "Leoma" 1977 CD 30K #46 San Francisco CA

Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by JD-MDR »

Painting finished. Just need to wet sand a little ridge at the tape line. I’m really glad I had them finish the bow triangle and the stern deck. They weren’t going to do that. Stanchion bases are ready just need to work on the pulpits a little. Ill install the bowsprit tomorrow.
MMSI 368198510
Jim Walsh
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by Jim Walsh »

Wow. Nice work and great progress so far.
Jim Walsh

Ex Vice Commodore
Ex Captain-Northeast Fleet


The currency of life is not money, it's time
John Stone
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by John Stone »

That looks great JD. I bet you are going to be really happy with the changes. No more leaks. Much stronger. Keep this thread going.
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by JD-MDR »

Finished at boatyard!!! Yay!! Im dissapointed in them but I guess It won’t help to complain. I installed the temporary boards as bulwarks. It’s really lacking without the wood toerail and rub rails. I think If I do a good job with the finished bulwarks this summer it will look much better. Main thing is I can use the boat like this till then. I got the sidelights mounted on the pulpit.
Now I have a tedious job of cleaning all the cruddy goop they tracked all over the decks. It’s the butyl tape that came up with the hardware. I dont really trust their work bedding the hardware. They asked me how I wanted to have them bedded. I thought they were the experts? Ideally I would have preferred they hold the bolts stationary on the deck and tighten the nuts from underneath to get a perfect seal. They didn’t do that. They just tightened from on top with the impact. It took them two days to install 7 base stanchions. So I finished all the hardware and pulpits myself.
I basically fired them. It seemed like the workers were trainees and they were always standing around talking or using their phones. So many times one guy would be working and two or three supervisors were giving advice. Paint and glass work is great. Total invoice$17,000
MMSI 368198510
John Stone
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Re: Leoma hull to deck joint

Post by John Stone »

Well finally it's finished and you have it behind you. I'm sure you'll figure out a long term solution for the bulwarks you will be satisfied with. The important thing is the boat is stronger and hopefully leak free--at least at the hull deck joint. You've worked hard. Enjoy it.
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