Problems with reefing hook on CD25

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Mike Davis

Problems with reefing hook on CD25

Post by Mike Davis »

I just got a new mainsail from Lee Sails and I am having a problem fitting my reefing hook into the slot because the grommet at the foot of the sail is thick. There is no space for the hook to fit into the sleeve. Does anyone with a CD 25 know a solution? Thanks

Re: Problems with reefing hook on CD25

Post by Jon »


Reefing horns are a pain in the butt. Are you putting the horn directly through the tack grommet? Before I switched over to jiffy reefing, I sewed a short length of web strap onto itself through the tack grommet, capturing stainless rings (larger than the grommet) on each side. It was the stainless ring that I actually hooked onto the horn. The stainless ring on the other side kept the sail in place. This was slightly less of a pain in the butt.

s/v Sovereign
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