I dislike spammers as much as the next guy, but I wanted to share my recent experience with this stuff for the benefit of others on the board who may use it. I put six coats on my CD27 yesterday, took about 4 hours, and can be a pain to apply. You really have to make sure the applicator is rolled up, otherwise you get some dripping and this looks bad. Also, you cannot go over an area twice until it dries (about 1 minute or you mess it up). Also, I found you have to change gloves frequently because the stuff hardens on your gloves and chips off, produce little "scummies" that will find their way onto your hull. The secret is multiple, THIN coats. However, I have to say that the boat looks like brand new, and it's 20 years old. Several people in the boatyard came by to admire it (of course, part of that is because she is a Cape Dory, we all know how that works) but it truly looks great (so far). A guy next to me was in the process of spending $300 to have the hull on his Nonsuch 30 compounded, polished, and waxed, which also took four hours. When done, it did not look as good as mine, and he was bummed....Anyway, Just some babble on this, hope I didn't offend anyone who is sensitive about spammers....
Clay Stalker
CD27 SALSA #247
Apponaug Harbor, Rhode Island
Newglass II Results
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Newglass II Results
Sorry for the double post....didn't think I hit the post button....Sunday morning spaceout....
Clay Stalker wrote: I dislike spammers as much as the next guy, but I wanted to share my recent experience with this stuff for the benefit of others on the board who may use it. I put six coats on my CD27 yesterday, took about 4 hours, and can be a pain to apply. You really have to make sure the applicator is rolled up, otherwise you get some dripping and this looks bad. Also, you cannot go over an area twice until it dries (about 1 minute or you mess it up). Also, I found you have to change gloves frequently because the stuff hardens on your gloves and chips off, produce little "scummies" that will find their way onto your hull. The secret is multiple, THIN coats. However, I have to say that the boat looks like brand new, and it's 20 years old. Several people in the boatyard came by to admire it (of course, part of that is because she is a Cape Dory, we all know how that works) but it truly looks great (so far). A guy next to me was in the process of spending $300 to have the hull on his Nonsuch 30 compounded, polished, and waxed, which also took four hours. When done, it did not look as good as mine, and he was bummed....Anyway, Just some babble on this, hope I didn't offend anyone who is sensitive about spammers....
Clay Stalker
CD27 SALSA #247
Apponaug Harbor, Rhode Island