75 CD 25 Bilge water !

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75 CD 25 Bilge water !

Post by John »

Any idea where I should look for causes why the bilge filled up almost to the cabin floor during the winter storage(tarped up fairly well). Thank goodness it is not leaking out. I know that's a good sign. None in the cockpit. The board was great in answering my teak questions. I hope soon I could add my 2 cents.

Thanks again,

Ed Haley

Re: 75 CD 25 Bilge water !

Post by Ed Haley »

If your CD was securely wrapped so that no rain or snow melt entered, you look like a candidate for condensation. The inside of the boat is usually colder than the air entering her during storage and the resulting condensation can, as you describe, partially fill the bilges. I usually add some antifreeze to the bilge in the fall to prevent damage from freezing during the winter. I can usually keep the amount of condensation to a gallon or two. It depends a lot on the amount of air infiltration and humidity. Believe it or not, I used to have this problem with my daysailer which was stored in the garage!


Re: 75 CD 25 Bilge water !

Post by John »

Thanks for your insites Ed. I feel a little better.. now if it only stays dry when I drop it in the water!

Happy sailing !

John Laton

Ed Haley wrote: If your CD was securely wrapped so that no rain or snow melt entered, you look like a candidate for condensation. The inside of the boat is usually colder than the air entering her during storage and the resulting condensation can, as you describe, partially fill the bilges. I usually add some antifreeze to the bilge in the fall to prevent damage from freezing during the winter. I can usually keep the amount of condensation to a gallon or two. It depends a lot on the amount of air infiltration and humidity. Believe it or not, I used to have this problem with my daysailer which was stored in the garage!

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