cockpit drain hoses

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cockpit drain hoses

Post by Brian »

I want to replace the two cockpit drain hoses on my 1983 Cape Dory 27. I have been nervous that these two hoses are, I think , as old as the boat and they are they only seacocks I leave open when I am not on the boat. I would welcome any advice from anyone who has done this before, and specifically, what type of hose to use ? It looks to be about 2 inches or so outside diameter, perhaps 1 1/2 inches inside diameter, and appears to have a layer of wire reinforcing. If anyone knows the specific type of hose from West Marine ,for example, that would be great. Thanks in advance for any help

Re: cockpit drain hoses

Post by len »


i don't know the diameter but it is wire reinforced hose - you will have to cut the old hose off, you will never be able to pull it off - i find the easiest way is with a dremel - after removing the hose clamps, i use a dremel with a cutting disc to slice vertically through the hose - when you hit the wires, you can feel it and see sparks - go just a little bit at a time and you won't damage the through hull or whatever else the hose is attached to - it will take some force to bend the new hose on, the hose is very stiff - good luck

Jeff Schmoyer

Re: cockpit drain hoses

Post by Jeff Schmoyer »

On my 1978 CD 27, the hoses and the seacock look like 1 and 1/2, but they are actually 1 and 5/8.

I bought three foot sections of exhaust hose from West. This is major heavy duty stuff, can stand up to any nasty chemicals.

Removal of the old was the worst part of the job. I used a hack saw, first to saw off the main part of the old hose, then to cut into the remaining crap that was stuck to the cockpit drain.

I also replaced one of those two seacocks- badly corroded. Now THAT was a heck of a job!

Scott Ritchey

Re: cockpit drain hoses

Post by Scott Ritchey »

I replaced the cockpit scupper hoses on my CD 27 one or two seasons ago. The hose is 1 5/8 in. ID just like the owners' manual says (you can download the manual from this (CCDOA) site if don't have it). Len is right about needing a dremel tool to cut the rubber and especially the wire inside the hose. Mine was lose at the sea cock but glued to the fiberglass scuppers ... I had to peal it off the fiberglass pipe. Be careful with the dremel tool or you can score the scupper pipe or seacock and cause a leak. I used some polysulfide (like Boatlife or 3M 101) to get a good seal at the seacock. I don't see why the seal at the scupper would be critical so I didn't use any sealant there. I used exhaust hose which seemed rugged and was rated for use below-the waterline. As I recall, each piece was just over 18 inches long (get 3 ft plus a little when you buy the hose). Double clamp, especially at the bottom end. If the hose needs to be replaced, you probably need to replace the clamps too. This is one job you will want to do right. Good luck.
Brian wrote: I want to replace the two cockpit drain hoses on my 1983 Cape Dory 27. I have been nervous that these two hoses are, I think , as old as the boat and they are they only seacocks I leave open when I am not on the boat. I would welcome any advice from anyone who has done this before, and specifically, what type of hose to use ? It looks to be about 2 inches or so outside diameter, perhaps 1 1/2 inches inside diameter, and appears to have a layer of wire reinforcing. If anyone knows the specific type of hose from West Marine ,for example, that would be great. Thanks in advance for any help
Neil Gordon

Re: cockpit drain hoses

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>I don't see why the seal at the scupper would be critical so I didn't use any sealant there.<<

If the scupper end of the hose comes lose *and* the end of the hose falls below the waterline, the boat will sink. Both ends of any hose should be well secured and double clamped.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
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