Windex placement on Typhoon?

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Robin Whitehurst

Windex placement on Typhoon?

Post by Robin Whitehurst »

I'm going to put a windex on my typhoon in a few weeks. I was wondering what size to use and also the placement. Is it mounted on the top of the mast or on a mount of some kind on the side of the mast?

Marino Curati

Re: Windex placement on Typhoon?

Post by Marino Curati »

Mine is mounted on the side by one of those little metal clips. However, we had a recent windstorm here in Cleveland. Of course I had just raised my mast the previous day with the boat still on its trailer. The next day I saw that the windex was gone but the little rod and clip was intact. I just bought the Windex "sport" ($29.99) and it came with a redesigned plastic fitting which can be mounted either horizontal or vertical. If I was to choose, I'd center it atop the mast.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Mine is mounted......

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


On my Cape Dory 30 the Windex is mounted to an approx. 12" long piece of 1"X 3/16" aluminium bar stock that is attached to the head of the mast(sticking out aft of the mast). One hole in the end of the bar for the windex and two 1/4-20 holes for 1/2" long machine screws(stainless)(1/2" so that the screws don't interfer with the mast head sheaves) to screw it to the mast head fitting. This moves the pointer slightly aft, so that you can see all of it from the helm and also allows the Windex to clear the VHF antenna. DO use two screws to secure it to the mast, originally Hanalei had only one, and the bar moved to Port last year in heavy winds, making sailing by the Windex very difficult on a Port tack.

Hope this helps....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30

Re: Windex placement on Typhoon?

Post by SHU »

How helpful is a Windex wind vane?
Robin Whitehurst

Re: Windex placement on Typhoon?

Post by Robin Whitehurst »

I have found them very helpful on other boats I've owned or sailed on.

Robin on
Ben Thomas

Re: Windex placement on Typhoon?

Post by Ben Thomas »

Robin Whitehurst wrote: I'm going to put a windex on my typhoon in a few weeks. I was wondering what size to use and also the placement. Is it mounted on the top of the mast or on a mount of some kind on the side of the mast?

Robin, The earlier threads pretty well covered the placement. On my ty weekender I spread each wing of the windex out from the center about 30 degrees. sailed hard, then on the next mast take down fine tuned the wings to match up with best pointing characteristics. What I found for best performance was an accurate tuning of the standing rigging. this by far enchanced an already sweet little boat. good sailing Ben.
backstay was around 13%, forestay 15-16% aft shroud 11% forward shroud 12% mast had a nice rake aft. maybe 1 1/2" to 2" just above spreaders.
Marino Curati

Could you explain your measurements?

Post by Marino Curati »

Ben Thomas wrote: backstay was around 13%, forestay 15-16% aft shroud 11% forward shroud 12% mast had a nice rake aft. maybe 1 1/2" to 2" just above spreaders.
I'm in the process of tuning the rig on my Ty. This is the first year I've raised the rig so I'd like to know the best way to tune it. When you give a percentage, what is that referring to? I've always figured settings by length and tension.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug
Ben Thomas

Re: Could you explain your measurements?

Post by Ben Thomas »

Marino Curati wrote:
Ben Thomas wrote: backstay was around 13%, forestay 15-16% aft shroud 11% forward shroud 12% mast had a nice rake aft. maybe 1 1/2" to 2" just above spreaders.
I'm in the process of tuning the rig on my Ty. This is the first year I've raised the rig so I'd like to know the best way to tune it. When you give a percentage, what is that referring to? I've always figured settings by length and tension.

Marino Curati
Ty #74 Snug
Marino, The % figures represents the amount of tension on the wire, or a percentage measurement of the breaking strength of the wire, say a wire has a breaking strength of 5000lbs. tuning to 10% = 500lbs. of tension on that wire. This is measured by the loos tension gauge. (an oxymoron if ever there was one). This is my understanding of it. the actual percentages on each boat may be different. Its easy to overtune rigging and stress chainplates and such. I still used the halyards to measure distance, constantly sighted up mast, brought the shrouds up to an audible note (low) then worked backstay /forestay to audible note. then used gauge on shrouds side to side even turns on turnbuckles. then gauge on backstay/forestay. I made tons of mistakes regarding bend and which shroud/stay did what to the mast. so when mast was at low note tension I'd grab a wire and pull while sighting up mast, tie line to ones you cant reach.pull it. This really helped me to see what was going on. Trial and error period for me as I jumped in with no prior experience at all. have since moved up to cd30, wish I'd kept the ty

Good luck, Ben
Don Carr

Just stay on Starboard tack...

Post by Don Carr »

Well another solution is to sail best on starboard tack..that way not only will you have a functional'll have the right-of-way in perpetuity.


Post by Marino »

Thanks for the explanation. I've used the loose gauge quite a bit but never put it together what the numbers meant.

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