I've never been able to find good guidance for sizing a solar panel for this particular setup. I don't have any other load on the battery, so no slow drains. Just the occasional heavy draw--50 amps at full throttle--for a short period of time. So I probably went a little oversized on the system. Overkill is unattractive to me, but on the other hand 1) I won't have to worry about not getting a full charge in a reasonable amount of time 2) I'll be self-sufficient, even if I went on a several-day trip and had to charge a phone, run the motor longer than usual, etc. 3) I could someday move the system to a bigger boat 4) This size of panel doesn't really cost much more than something smaller.
All that being said, here's what I'm planning on installing:
The battery--a group 27 deep cycle lead-acid battery--will live in a plastic battery box under the cockpit. I'll run some 8 AWG wire under the cockpit sole to a round access hatch that's already installed in the aft end of the cockpit above the tiller. I'll install a socket in the hatch cover (I like this better than drilling holes in the actual boat) and then a plug on the end of the trolling motor wires.
I got a Victron SmartSolar 75/10 MPPT charge controller which I'll probably mount out of the way in one of the quarter berths. I've got a 50W rigid panel on the way with a 20' cable. Once it gets here I'll find a good place to set it and rig up some kind of mount that will keep it in place but also be easy to remove and stow when I'm sailing.

Once all that is done I'll add a 12V socket somewhere so I can recharge the handheld VHF.
That's the plan. I'll post an update when I'm done. I'm curious if the board has any thoughts or feedback.