I will be needing a new main for my CD27 soon and am looking for recommendations for sailmakers in the New England area. Would be interested in where folks have purchased mains and how much they paid. Also, has anyone ordered sails from Cruising Direct?
I also have a 110 and 140 (Ulmer, original 1982) for sale cheap. They were original with my 1982 CD27 and are tired, but in reasonably good shape.
Thanks for all your help. I am appreciative of the good advice and comraderie that is generated on this valuable website.
Clay Stalker
Mainsail for CD27
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Mainsail for CD27
i highly recommend thurston sails in bristol, rhode island - not necessarily the cheapest but absolute quality and a pleasure to deal with - think about a full battened main while you are at it
i highly recommend thurston sails in bristol, rhode island - not necessarily the cheapest but absolute quality and a pleasure to deal with - think about a full battened main while you are at it
Re: Mainsail for CD27
Clay, my original Ulmer mail was also getting a bit flabby and tired - and my favorite sailmaker, John O'Neill of Waterford, CT retired this last year - I looked around and was impressed to hear about a friend's experience with Hood, so I contacted them (Middletown, RI) and they delivered a new Vectran main that is absolutely stupendous.Clay Stalker wrote: I will be needing a new main for my CD27 soon and am looking for recommendations for sailmakers in the New England area. Would be interested in where folks have purchased mains and how much they paid. Also, has anyone ordered sails from Cruising Direct?
I also have a 110 and 140 (Ulmer, original 1982) for sale cheap. They were original with my 1982 CD27 and are tired, but in reasonably good shape.
Thanks for all your help. I am appreciative of the good advice and comraderie that is generated on this valuable website.
Clay Stalker
They seemed to be a bit more expensive (about $100-200 more than some of the lower quotes I got) than some of the other makers around but the quality of construction, and the shape, are absolutely stunning. I also spent a bit more to go with their "Vectran" sailcloth.
I had thought Hood wouldn't waste their time on a small cruising sailor type customer, but I was dead wrong. Two visits to the boat for fitting and checking, tremendous hospitality at the loft, and the most careful and considerate discussions of the various pros and cons regarding what features to go for. John O'Neill had made me a really great 140% roller genny last year, otherwise I would go with Hood for the foresail as well...
CD27 "Alphee"