Table Post removal

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Jeff Funston

Table Post removal

Post by Jeff Funston »

Is there any trick to removal of the table post on my cd25? I've tryed repeated spraying with wd40, don't want to put too much pressure on it but it does not want to budge
Paul Grecay

Re: Table Post removal

Post by Paul Grecay »

I had this problem...after whaling away on it with a rubber mallet, I cracked the base which the post is set I don't advise that (had to have it rewelded). On the other one, I fashioned a modified oil filter wrench to twist it off. Be sure to cushion the wrench so that you don't mar the post. You could also use one of those wrenches of similar design which remove water filter casings. Hope this suggestion helps.

CD 28 PeaPod
Al Levesque

Re: Table Post removal

Post by Al Levesque »

Jeff Funston wrote: Is there any trick to removal of the table post on my cd25? I've tryed repeated spraying with wd40, don't want to put too much pressure on it but it does not want to budge
Do I recall correctly that the post is hollow? If so, you might consider shrinking the post down by inserting some ice, dry ice if available. Push a rag down first to keep the ice off the bottom.

Good luck.

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