Selling a Pram?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Dave D

Selling a Pram?

Post by Dave D »

I am looking for a pram to go along with my CD25. If anybody know of one around the New England area please email me. Thanks for all the help.

Dave D
25' CD R&R
Larry DeMers

Re: Selling a Pram?

Post by Larry DeMers »

I have a nesting pram, made of plywood, that I am selling. She is in NW Wisconsin however. I have a new inflatable dinghy and don't need the pram any longer, since we are making several crossings of Superior this year, and do not wish to tow any dinghy.
To make it worthwhile, I will sell the dinghy for $100, complete with Avon 2-part oars and sunbrella cover made to fit. (keeps the waves out). You will however have to arrange for shipment or pickup.

The design of this dinghy is a D4 Nesting Dinghy, similar to the Chameleon by Danny Greene. It is a 9 ft. / 2 part pram design.It was a stitch and glue project by the proevious owner, and has served us well for 12+ years now..She is in great shape structrually and cosmetically.

Dave D wrote: Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 Sailing Lake Superior
Dave D wrote: I am looking for a pram to go along with my CD25. If anybody know of one around the New England area please email me. Thanks for all the help.

Dave D
25' CD R&R

Re: Selling a Pram?

Post by Jonathan »


Please put me down for the Pram. Will you be up this weekend??
I will send a check up with Ken Larson. Please e-mail or call me.

p.s I'm selling my C-Scow if you get the itch for a wet ass baot!!

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