Reduction gear unit for a 25 hp Volvo MD2B with a MS reverse

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Kevin M

Reduction gear unit for a 25 hp Volvo MD2B with a MS reverse

Post by Kevin M »

I have a 1976 Cape Dory 28 (#120) with a 25 hp Volvo Diesel engine. Last summer I hit something in the water off Port Jefferson, New York and when I hauled the boat out for the winter, I found out that the housing for the reduction gear housing is broken. Does anyone know where I can get a reduction gear housing. Has anyone had the same problem. I've tried all the local yards that service Volvo engines. No luck! My yard is still looking, but no luck yet. If anyone has an idea, please let me know. Thanks, Kevin M
wayne grenier

Re: Reduction gear unit for a 25 hp Volvo MD2B with a MS rev

Post by wayne grenier »

Kevin M wrote: I have a 1976 Cape Dory 28 (#120) with a 25 hp Volvo Diesel engine. Last summer I hit something in the water off Port Jefferson, New York and when I hauled the boat out for the winter, I found out that the housing for the reduction gear housing is broken. Does anyone know where I can get a reduction gear housing. Has anyone had the same problem. I've tried all the local yards that service Volvo engines. No luck! My yard is still looking, but no luck yet. If anyone has an idea, please let me know. Thanks, Kevin M
You are in trouble-the only thing that fits a volvo engine is a volvo gearbox-try Dipietro-International-1800-447-9482 or bang around on the search engines looking for new or used parts-good luck
Brian W.

Re: Reduction gear unit for a 25 hp Volvo MD2B with a MS rev

Post by Brian W. »

wayne grenier wrote: You are in trouble-the only thing that fits a volvo engine is a volvo gearbox-try Dipietro-International-1800-447-9482 or bang around on the search engines looking for new or used parts-good luck
-I second Wayne's recomendation. The inability to get volvo parts was one of the reasons that brought us to repower. But Dipietro up in Connecticut would definately be your best bet. if it can be had, I imagine they can get it.
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