"What" is a morse blackfish?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Catherine Monaghan

Re: Swivel mount for an 18" cannon barrel?????

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I saw an add (I think it was in Good Old Boat) for a swivel mount that you connect to a winch. I'll check my sailing magazines at home and see if I can find it.


D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Pirate Captain Heintz,

Got any idea where I can find a swivel mount for the cannon barrel. If I could mount it on the pushpit just to Starboard of the helm, it would be perfect!! A few 3/4" holes between wind and water would be just the thing to make a fleet get together really fun! Uh, maybe not!

D. Stump
HMS Hanalei
1 gun ship of the line

Leo MacDonald CD30K

Nautical Traditions Officer/Cannon/Grog

Post by Leo MacDonald CD30K »

Dave is a riot AND he does have a most fitting title. (Elected, by the way, by the previously mentioned assembled NE Fleet.)

I think Warren is on the right track, but it's probably the NE Fleet Captainship or the CDSOA Commodore positions that are in his sights.

I will offer a mug of 'grog' to each Captain sailing (or racing) into the 'CD Rendezvous 2001' in New Harbor, BI, RI with a cannon. (I was going to say " . . . with the largest cannon", but somehow feel this would be misread.)

Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald, The Ketch 'Heather Ann' CD30K
NE Fleet Captain CDSOA

Michael Heintz

Now Catherine....... don't encourage him :-)

Post by Michael Heintz »

Mark Yashinsky

What would the USCG have to say about this???

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

And the other enforcement agencies that patrol the waters. They generally carry the REAL thing. Are you ready to try and explain your toys to them???
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Swivel mount (saw it in Latitudes&Attitudes)

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I saw the ad for the cannons (particularly, the one to mount on a winch) in Latitudes & Attitudes. The ad's for "<a href="http://www.rbgcannons.com/">Ye Olde Cannon Maker</a>." Their ad in the magazine shows one mounted on a winch, but they don't show that mount anywhere on their website. I guess you have to call them. Unfortunately, they don't include an address or phone number on their website. If you don't get Latitudes & Attitudes, I'll get their number for you.


Catherine Monaghan wrote: Dave,

I saw an add (I think it was in Good Old Boat) for a swivel mount that you connect to a winch. I'll check my sailing magazines at home and see if I can find it.


D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Pirate Captain Heintz,

Got any idea where I can find a swivel mount for the cannon barrel. If I could mount it on the pushpit just to Starboard of the helm, it would be perfect!! A few 3/4" holes between wind and water would be just the thing to make a fleet get together really fun! Uh, maybe not!

D. Stump
HMS Hanalei
1 gun ship of the line


Re: "What" is a morse blackfish?

Post by len »


according to page 341 of the current west marine catalog, the shaft bearings made by tellex-morse have cutesy, fish names - e.g. blackfish for the 1 inch ID, 1 1/4 inch OD, 4 inch long one, redfish for the huge 3 1/8 inch ID one etc - i suppose someone in marketing's idea


J Johnson

Re: What would the USCG have to say about this???

Post by J Johnson »

now now Mark, I think their only going to use blanks....... what's the name of your boat? :-0 heh heh
D. Stump, HMS Hanalei

Re: What makes you assume it isn't REAL!

Post by D. Stump, HMS Hanalei »


The cannon is a scale model of a Napolean III, it REALLY fires a 75 cal. (3/4") lead ball (black powder) for a range of about 300 yards! I'm really not worried about USCG, they only have two 41 footers between Noank and New Haven and maybe a couple of Go-Fasts. Yeh, if they pulled out the M-16s or mounted their twin fifties or grenade launchers, it would have a tendency to ruin my day, but who's arguing?

Isn't this fun? Are you going to be at Napatree and Block this summer?

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
J Johnson

What's the name of Mark's boat :-0

Post by J Johnson »

What's the name of Mark's boat :-0
Captain Jack Aubrey, RN

Ready & Willing Sir !!!!

Post by Captain Jack Aubrey, RN »

Mark Yashinsky wrote: And the other enforcement agencies that patrol the waters. They generally carry the REAL thing. Are you ready to try and explain your toys to them???
Ready & Willing Sir !!!!

Captain Jack Aubrey, RN
Commander Surprise
Ron Musk

Re: Geez, Larry and john are fast....!!!!

Post by Ron Musk »

Larry DeMers wrote: Hee, head evacuator indeed!! heh..;^)) Thanks for a really needed schmiley!!


Warren Kaplan wrote:
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Dave Stump
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Cape Dory Owners Association
Captain and Commander of S/V Hanalei
Congratulations on the promotion as listed above. This is the first time you've signed off that way isn't it? Admiral can't be too far in the future!

Warren Kaplan
Captain commanding S/V Sine Qua Non....
Also bottom scraper, teak refinisher, deck washer, bilge pumper, engine mechanic, nautical electrician, and head evacuator!
Holy cow!! you guys better get your vessels launched ASAP before you drive us all nuts .!!!!
Ron Musk

Stephen Maturin

Now Jack ..........

Post by Stephen Maturin »

Now Jack...... Perhaps you should have a glass... and think this over.

S. M @.Royal College of Surgens.com

oho! so its "HMS" hanalei now, is it?

Post by huw »

and i can't even get documentation in this country!
well, maybe the u.s. navy would like to know about a certain armed foreign marauder menacing our coasts!

h meyrick,
pelagia... s/v, not hms... nor uss...

Rich Reynolds

Re: Swivel mount for an 18" cannon barrel?????

Post by Rich Reynolds »

Mr. Stump,

Does your cannon barrel have trunions? If so, you can either have
a wooden naval carriage or a deck yoke mount (as in a swivel gun)
fabricated from Cannon Mania in Connecticut. They are, by far,
THE LARGEST dealers in both new and antique signal cannons. Visit
their web page at http://www.cannon-mania.com and you'll see what
I mean. It won't be cheap, however. I crew on Tom Hempton's CD30K
"Tanqueray" out of Glen Cove, NY and I usually bring along my 10GA
signal cannon which I've had equipped with a bronze winch mount.
The cannon is mounted to a mahogany board, and the bronze casting
is screwed to the underside of the board. It has a square bronze
shaft that fits a standard winch perfectly. We use it as the evening
gun and, of course, to initiate cocktail hour. I got it from
Berkley George, who markets several beautiful 10GA cannons (including
his coveted Herreshoff) as "Ye Olde Cannon Maker", also in CT.

Not to worry about the Coast Guard. The ATF has classified black
powder signal cannons as "signaling devices"; hence, they are legal
in most states.


Rich Reynolds
Turret Captain
S/V Tanqueray

P.S. When are you folks going to schedule a "West Central" Long
Island Sound weekend rendezvous? I'll bring my cannon!

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