Nissan 8 hp outboard for CD25?

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steve marcotte

Nissan 8 hp outboard for CD25?

Post by steve marcotte »

After much review of this board and assorted catalogs, websites etc...
I'm leaning towards the 2stroke Nissan 8HP... Portability, lack of mods for install, and price all factored strongly.
The concern I find myself struggling with is that this motor lacks an alternator or charger. My old Johnson had this feature and as I do a bit of night sailing- battery juice could become a problem... (though not with the old motor). Anyway- should I consider a different motor? Is there a charger kit that could be added (I've searched- unsuccessfully)... Will solar panels suffice? Does anyone have recommendations re: solar...

And as usual- thanks for the terrific help...

CD25 Man O' War
John K.

Re: Nissan 8 hp outboard for CD25?

Post by John K. »

Might want to check out the new Yamaha F8. It's an 8 HP 4-stroke and is listed with an optional 6 amp alternator.
John K.

Re: Nissan 8 hp outboard for CD25?

Post by John K. »

Woops... Try the link below to see the T8; high-thrust version better for a sailboat.

Re: Nissan 8 hp outboard for CD25?

Post by tom »

The Nissan is really a Tohatsu just with a different label on it. They make a 8hp electric start and alt model. I am also looking at this engine for my CD25 and agree it looks like a good fit. The Yamaha 8hp 4 stroke is big and heavy.

Bill Smith

8 hp nissan

Post by Bill Smith »

I have an 8 hp nissan electric start with an alternator circuit (8amp) i think. Works great and has room to turn in the well for backing. Much better than the evenrude 9.9 that i had previously
Bill Smith
CD25 # 32
steve msrcotte

Re: 8 hp nissan

Post by steve msrcotte »

Thanks for the advice--- I finally found the nissan 8hp electric start/charger... Expecting it in a few days...

Bill- Any tips or comments... or should this be a breeze?

thanks again

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