I have the opportunity to purchase a Typhoon in an estate sale. Does anyone have advice on specific things I should be looking for in purchasing this particular boat. What common problems were there with the typhoons? I currently own a Pearson 365 ketch rig and the Ty would be a second boat used primarily to teach my girlfriend to sail.
Thanks for any assistance.
Bill Woodford
purchasing a Typhoon
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: purchasing a Typhoon
Look for soft decks, especially the foredeck and the transom. Use a small screwdriver handle or hammer to gently sound the deck; you're looking for a different resonance. Also, look at the chainplates to make sure they are well secured and the deck is not warped in their vicinity. Look to see if the cabin roof has sagged from the weight of the mast step. Check for mold and mildew in the cabin, signs of water infiltration. If you find signs of water in the core, forget the boat. If you don't, almost everything else can be fixed.
Bill Woodford wrote: I have the opportunity to purchase a Typhoon in an estate sale. Does anyone have advice on specific things I should be looking for in purchasing this particular boat. What common problems were there with the typhoons? I currently own a Pearson 365 ketch rig and the Ty would be a second boat used primarily to teach my girlfriend to sail.
Thanks for any assistance.
Bill Woodford