The tooling is now finished for the CD 25 and CD 27 Builder's Plates and the first batch has been cast. They really came out nice. There were so many orders for the CD 27 plate that we will be starting to cast a second batch next week. All of the CD 25 and CD 27 plates that we have orders for are being shipped today.
The tooling for the CD 33 and CD 36 plates is now done and casting is in process for our first lot of each of these. The photo engraving method really makes a difference. We will be working on the tooling for the remainder of the models over the next few weeks. Anyone that wants to place an advance order can do by e-mailing me the particulars or calling me at 401-625-5224. Through this month at least, we will be able to hold the price at $35.00 per plate plus $5.00 shipping and handling.
Cape Dory Bronze Builder's Plates
Moderator: Jim Walsh