New product to simplify reefing

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Gary McDonough

New product to simplify reefing

Post by Gary McDonough »

Hello to all,

The January issue of Sailing magazine has a writeup about a company here in Mass called GBG Enterprises. They sell 4 to 6 foot lengths of line with a small jam cleat at the end. Rather than struggle with square knots while reefing, you just loop the line through the sail, around the boom and into the jam cleat.

I tend to sail solo, reef often and struggle at times getting my knots tight, especially when really windy. This seems like a neat product.

Their web site is

Neil Gordon

Re: New product to simplify reefing

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>They sell 4 to 6 foot lengths of line with a small jam cleat at the end. Rather than struggle with square knots while reefing, you just loop the line through the sail, around the boom and into the jam cleat.<<

So there's a line and a jam cleat for each reef point? That's clever... what's the cost?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Gary McDonough

Re: New product to simplify reefing

Post by Gary McDonough »

Hi Neil,
Neil Gordon wrote: So there's a line and a jam cleat for each reef point? That's clever... what's the cost?
Check out their web site. They have pictures and order information. I believe they average about $5 each.

Duncan Maio

Re: New product to simplify reefing

Post by Duncan Maio »

I have a set, which I bought at a boat show two seasons ago. I haven't used them to reef yet (we didn't sail much last year) but they look substantial enough to do the job, and are easy enough to operate. The big advantage over reef knots is that they are simple and fast to adjust if you don't get the reef line tight enough the first time.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
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