Hi Jim,
After researching this subject to death, and based on more than a couple of recommendations I found in several boating forums, I cleaned the previously oiled cabin sole with a mixture of TSP and ammonia, sanded with 220 grit, and then applied 4 (four) coats of Epiphanes High Gloss Clear Varnish, followed by 2 (two) coats of Epiphanes Rubbed Effect Varnish. I have been very happy with the results. (The cleaning took much longer than the finish work)
The Clear Varnish, using the recommended percentage of thinner with each coat penetrated the wood well and built up a nice depth to the finish. The Rubbed Effect gave the final surface a harder, less slippery surface and made the glossy finish more of a satin finish which I preferred. Epiphanes does recommend the Rubbed Effect for cabin soles and if you have a decent base finish to start with, you may be able to skip the Clear Varnish and just apply a couple of coats of the Rubbed Effect. I started from bare wood, so I decided to go the 6 coat route.
I also used 3 coats of Minwax Helmsman Satin Polyurethane on all of the other interior wood and I'm very pleased with how it turned out, but Minwax specifically states that this product is not intended to be used as a floor finish.
Here's a link to the Epiphanes products:
Good Luck,