Where is ORION?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Made it home to my slip in Noank at noon today. Did a quick cleanup and secured ORION's systems and unloaded all my damp and wet gear. Yesterday was a day of flat, sometimes oiley flat, calms and rain. Lots of thunder and lightning just to keep me on my toes. :roll:
I am so looking foreword to sleeping in my own bed for the first time in 40 days. I'll provide further details of the trip periodically.
The trip was a success by any definition. Carl Alberg knew how to design sea-worthy sailboats and Cape Dory knew how to build them. I have a new respect for them both.
Jim Walsh

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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by RLW »

Congratulations on a successful voyage! We were anchored at Block Island for all that electricity; at times I thought I'd be safer at sea with you! Welcome home!
Rich W.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Sea Hunt Video »


Welcome back stateside :!: We will look forward to your photos and journal about your trip home.

Congratulations :!:
Fair winds,


a/k/a Sea Hunt "The Tadpole Sailor"
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Astronomertoo »

Good to hear you are home, safe, and reflecting on life with a new perspective.
Be well, and best wishes.
Bob C
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by jbenagh »

Sounds like a great voyage. Well done!
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Paul D. »

Congrats on a safe passage. Enjoy that hot shower and home berth! I'd love to hear bout your sail set up and thoughts for 25+wind work.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by adamganz »

Congratulations! I just ran into a family friend in Maine last weekend who had a tale to tell. He had flown to Bermuda to do the return leg of the trip on a 40-ish wooden SV. I'll find more info on the boat. About half way back to Newport, and more than 100 miles off shore, the rudder post broke and they lost control of the boat. They were taking on water but had some time and were fortunately rescued by a friendly Texan, who was also sailing back from Bermuda. All are now safe, though shaken. The boat was saved as well but I don't have details.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Capt Hook »


I'd love to hear about and see pix of the type of steering you use while you're single handing.
Capt Hook
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Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Capt Hook wrote:Jim,

I'd love to hear about and see pix of the type of steering you use while you're single handing.
I have a Monitor wind vane. I adjust the sails to the course I have chosen, engage the wheel adapter, then fine tune as necessary (usually very little) and I'm good to go. Look ma, no hands!
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Jim Walsh

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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Capt Hook wrote:Jim,

I'd love to hear about and see pix of the type of steering you use while you're single handing.
Here is another similar picture taken about half way to Bermuda. On the lower left you can see the control lines from the wind vane leading to the hub of the wheel on which is mounted the wheel adapter I mentioned. I'll keep looking to see if I have a more illustrative photo or I'll take one in the next few days to clearly answer your question.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by casampson »

I have not been following this thread, but I am astounded at its viability and wanted to be the 100th responder.
Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

casampson wrote:I have not been following this thread, but I am astounded at its viability and wanted to be the 100th responder.
Congratulations :!: oops, now it's 101 :roll:
Jim Walsh

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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Joe Myerson »


Like everybody else on this board, I salute you on your successful trip and await your report. Enjoy that shower, bed and home-cooked meal. And don't worry, the room will stop moving pretty soon. :)
Former Commodore, CDSOA
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by adamganz »

Not that anyone is clamoring for this info, but I said I'd provide it so here it is...and we have to keep this thread alive!

The rescue I mentioned was on the return leg of the Marion-Bermuda race. Just last week. My friend/acquaintance was on the return trip when the rudder post broke.

The boat is a show stopper: a 48' Alden; link to her is here.


I was watching progress on the race website - seeing the gps locations never gets old, but makes the world seem much smaller. Then again, I'm saying this from behind a computer monitor on dry land.
Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Everyone enjoys a heavy weather story and this is the worst weather I experienced on the cruise.
On 7/1 at 9:00am I was 202 nautical miles from Noank and doing 6 knots with a full main and yankee, I did not have the staysail set. The sky was blue in places but the upper atmosphere was hazy. It looked like a change was brewing. At 1:30pm the Gulf Stream squall generator was was up to its old antics. I was hit by a squall which hit 40 knots for a short time. I rode it out by putting the first reef in the main, easing it, and roller reefing the yankee. I was hoping for a short duration and it worked out just that way. Every 40 minutes, or so, I had another squall pass through. A couple were just tropical downpours with winds of 20 knots or less. Several more in my visual range just slid past me. The subsequent squalls were routine with plenty of rain and winds increasing from 18 to 20 knots into the low to mid 30's before pushing through. I still got by with one reef in the main (I did not have my staysail set) and roller reefed the yankee as needed. At 6:00pm I got whacked. This squall, coming on the heels of all the others in the area, had a bit of sea running before it hit. I started the morning with 3 to 6 footers and by 6:00pm the seas must have been 8 to 10 feet with some slop due to the winds boxing the compass as the squalls departed the area.
At 6:00pm the sheer size of the squall was noticeable. It grew noticeably cold. Hell, I'd just spent 24 days in Bermuda, it got very cold! I could see the rain flattening the seas, then I saw lightening and heard a low moan. I quickly dropped the main. When I returned to the cockpit I still had the full yankee set and the wind speed was touching 30 knots. I started to reef the yankee and the rigging started to hum. The wind speed and the seas rose very quickly. I watched as the wind speed hit 35 knots and showed no sign of easing. I reefed the yankee to maybe 30 square feet and the wind just continued to climb. I saw it hit 45 knots. I reefed the yankee a little more, took a good look at everything to ensure we were secure, and settled in under the dodger while the wind vane steered the boat. This was my usual spot. The wind vane did all the steering.
The intensity of this squall was dramatic. The seas built up quickly into cobalt blue mountains. There were occasional breaking seas and lots of spray flying. One sea broke right beside us and the wind deposited about 15 gallons into the cockpit. This was an anomaly. I had the wind vane set so we were working our way steadily to windward, climbing the seas on the port tack. The boat was very comfortable and there was no green water coming aboard.
This squall wasn't abating. The dull roar of the wind continued and the rigging continued to hum. After an hour went by I began to think it wasn't a squall at all. The wind velocity increased occasionally but stayed under 50 knots. We were taking it in stride so I figured I'd get below so I didn't have to look at those cobalt mountains any longer. I have a very high bridge deck and I had the bottom drop board in place all afternoon. I went below and popped the remaining drop boards into position and latched the top board. I continued reading Villiers 'Captain James Cook' and rested comfortably. Leeboards are worth their weight in gold. You never have to worry about being bounced out of your berth.
At 8:00pm I could feel the wind dying down so I peeked outside. The seas were still breaking occasionally and they were enormous. In my log I noted "seas enormous 16-20 feet?". I still think that was accurate, maybe conservatively accurate. By 11:00pm the wind was down to 30 knots steady. I was relieved to see that this event had diminished from its earlier show of strength. We were riding comfortably so I set my alarm for 30 minute intervals and I went to bed. Every 30 minutes I'd poke my head out and use the spotlight to take a look at the boat. I'd also check the AIS but nothing ever appeared on the screen, thankfully. We ran on all night as comfortably as conditions dictated (the wind continued to abate) and I see by my log we covered 90.4 nautical miles from 9:00 am on 7/1 to 7:30am on 7/2.
No sense wasting a fair wind :D
Jim Walsh

Ex Vice Commodore
Ex Captain-Northeast Fleet


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