Where is ORION?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Neil Gordon
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Neil Gordon »

Sea Hunt Video wrote:Jim:

As I am sure you know, your son arrived in time to spend Father's Day with his "old man".

You are very fortunate.
Sure, but did he bring something for the boat?
Fair winds, Neil

Cape Dory 28 #167
Boston, MA

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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Sea Hunt Video »

Neil Gordon wrote:
Sea Hunt Video wrote:Jim:

As I am sure you know, your son arrived in time to spend Father's Day with his "old man".

You are very fortunate.
Sure, but did he bring something for the boat?
Neil, not to be melodramatic but he brought the love of a son for his father and he will leave with the love of his father.
Fair winds,


a/k/a Sea Hunt "The Tadpole Sailor"
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by tjr818 »

What more could any man want :?:
Nonsuch 26 Ultra,
Previously, Sláinte a CD27
Neil Gordon
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Neil Gordon »

tjr818 wrote:What more could any man want :?:
How about a bottle of single malt?
Fair winds, Neil

Cape Dory 28 #167
Boston, MA

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Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Neil Gordon wrote:
tjr818 wrote:What more could any man want :?:
How about a bottle of single malt?
Jim Walsh

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Neil Gordon
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Neil Gordon »

Jim Walsh wrote:
Neil Gordon wrote:
tjr818 wrote:What more could any man want :?:
How about a bottle of single malt?
Port and starboard. Critical to keep the vessel in proper trim.
Fair winds, Neil

Cape Dory 28 #167
Boston, MA

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Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Large sport fishermen have started arriving from the State's and are headed to clear Customs. Must be a fishing tournament scheduled here soon. The Shannon this big guy just passed is 53' so the sport fisherman appears to be 60' or so.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Speedwell of Hong Kong left the anchorage at 11:00am this morning bound for New York. Her singlehanded skipper, Shirlz, stopped by for a few moments this morning to say goodbye. I wished her good luck and fair winds.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

For those contemplating something other than a traditional white hull color for their Cape Dory. :roll:
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Something fishy going on here. :roll:
Not sure what it is (some species of jack) but a whole school came by, all 18 or 20 inches long. Not easy to actually snap a picture of an individual.
There are also roving schools of "little tunny" which I've been able to verify with my Field Guide. They move so fast when attacking minnows hiding beside my keel that they whack the hull now and then.
No fishing allowed in the harbor :?
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Here are a few photographs (taken at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute) of the extensive shell collection donated by a Bermudian benefactor after a lifetime of collecting. It was very impressive. The photographs here represent perhaps 20% of the actual collection on display. Can you imagine donating a collection which you passionately accumulated over a lifetime?
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

This Hinkley Bermuda 40 arrived two days ago and is anchored on my starboard side. The owner and his wife have had her for 35 years. They live in New Hampshire and have a mooring in Rockport, Maine. They had never left New England and rarely leave Maine. This year they decided to sail to Bermuda since they are now considering selling this beauty. I have coveted a Bermuda 40 since my teens.
Looking at the two profiles one can see some distinct similarities. The CCA influenced design in a positive fashion as far as I am concerned.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Steve Laume »

The Bermuda 40 is a beautiful boat but I would take the Shannon, if someone were giving them away and I could only chose one, Steve.
Jim Walsh
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by Jim Walsh »

Ask and you shall receive. :D I just took this photo of the Shannon on my port side.
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Re: Where is ORION?

Post by tjr818 »

You are in a very nice neighborhood :!:
I bet the owners of the Shannon and of the Hinckley are admiring Orion and posting pictures of her to their boards too.
Nonsuch 26 Ultra,
Previously, Sláinte a CD27
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