For those who may want to read it there's an article in this months Cruising World (January 2001 Issue) by C.R. Merwarth, a CD30 0wner, entitled "Defining Moments". It's an interesting article on a sailor's reflection on cruising and growing old while still trying to know your physical limits when you reach that defining moment to sell the sailboat or not. My Father who is Mr. Merwarth's age has contemplated several times within the last year or so the same tough decision. My neighbor, who is 85, has also continued sailing and it was a delight to see he and his wife out overnighting this summer at gatherings with our sailing club. My observations from seeing this first hand is that one should always be aware of your physical limitations but one should not give up the ship until that defining moment comes and I'm sure you'll know.
S/V Ranger
Article by CD30 Owner in Cruising World
Moderator: Jim Walsh