Subject electrical panel is original Cape Dory. It has a "battery condition meter" with a switch to show battery voltage on either battery. The meter indicates 14 volts on both batteries when engine is not running and 16 volts when engine or battery charger are operating. Something wrong here! Battery condition seems fine. No apparent problems. What's going on here? Bad meter I think! It was working fine early this past year, but at some point started indicating too much voltage. I would think I would be blowing all sorts of stuff if batteries were actually putting out 16 volts!
Richard Feffer
s/v "Adamarie"
Volt meter readings too high
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Volt meter readings too high
Those voltmeters have internal biasing resistors. It's entirely possible that the meter is indeed bad. Go to Radio Shack, buy the cheapest meter you can find and check it directly on the battery. The voltage should read between 12-13.6 volts. Though the cheap meters are not industry standard accurate, it is more than sufficient for your purposes.
Cefalu III
Cefalu III
Richard Feffer wrote: Subject electrical panel is original Cape Dory. It has a "battery condition meter" with a switch to show battery voltage on either battery. The meter indicates 14 volts on both batteries when engine is not running and 16 volts when engine or battery charger are operating. Something wrong here! Battery condition seems fine. No apparent problems. What's going on here? Bad meter I think! It was working fine early this past year, but at some point started indicating too much voltage. I would think I would be blowing all sorts of stuff if batteries were actually putting out 16 volts!
Richard Feffer
s/v "Adamarie"
Re: Volt meter readings too high
Usually there is an adjustment screw on the front panel of the meter. If not, I would think there might be one internally, if you can figure out how to open it up.
Re: Volt meter readings too high
My meter does the exact same thing...If you find a solution please let me know.
My meter does the exact same thing...If you find a solution please let me know.
apparent problems. What's going on here? Bad meter I think! It was working fine early this past year, but at some point started indicating too much voltage. I would think I would be blowing all sorts of stuff if batteries were actually putting out 16 volts!Richard Feffer wrote: Subject electrical panel is original Cape Dory. It has a "battery condition meter" with a switch to show battery voltage on either battery. The meter indicates 14 volts on both batteries when engine is not running and 16 volts when engine or battery charger are operating. Something wrong here! Battery condition seems fine. No
Richard Feffer wrote: Thanks!!!
Richard Feffer
s/v "Adamarie"