I'm looking for a marine surveyor to do a complete prepurchase survey on a Cape Dory located on the Eastern Shore, near Oxford. The surveyor should be certified and be able to perform a full survey: structural; mechanical; electrical; plumbing; rigging; sails; etc.
I know I can obtain a list from the certifying agencies or from West Marine, Boat US, etc, and start making phone calls, but I was hoping someone on the list knows of or has had favorable experience with a surveyor in the area that you can recommend without reservation.
Please contact me privately if you are reluctant to endorse a surveyor publicly.
Thank you, & Have a great New Year!
Fred Fraim
Gettysburg, Pa.
Surveyor-Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Surveyor-Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Two months ago I used Kirby H. Smith of Tidewater Marine Surveys out of Gloucester Point, VA (a few miles up the York River in the lower Bay) in my purchase of a 1990 CD 40. He's a "Member of Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors." My survey was 19 pages of single spaced small type that did not encompass a sea trial nor an inspection of the sails. Although I didn't meet him personally, we spoke over the phone several times. Admittedly I don't have any other surveys to compare his to, but the report seemed very thorough and professional in its analysis and recommendations. The fact that he is recently familiar with a Cape Dory should be of some value to you.
Best Regards,
Craig Curtis
Best Regards,
Craig Curtis