Shipping a CD 28 transatlantic

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Tom Young

Shipping a CD 28 transatlantic

Post by Tom Young »

Anyone have any experience shipping their boat to England. Have some quotes for a CD 28 and looking for any info. Thanks, Tom
Brian Johnson

Re: Shipping a CD 28 transatlantic

Post by Brian Johnson »

Hi Tom,
I am in the process of moving from Fernandina Beach, FL to Naples, IT with the Navy and I am trying to bring my CD 26D with me. I don't have a trailer or a cradle. The best rate I have recieved was from Boat Shipping International( Their quote was $5,620 which included inland transportation from Fernandina to Charleston, the price of a cradle, loading and freight from Charleston to Naples. I also talked to a shipping line that sails from Fernandina directly to Naples. There price was $6,200 without cradle. That price was from "under hook" to "under hook". This meant I could motor the boat to the commercial pier, they would lift it out of the water onto a cradle on the pier, then load it onto the ship. It would be unloaded on the other end either onto the pier or direct discharge into the water. I hope this helps. What quotes have you recieved, and where are you traveling from? Good luck.
Ken Cave

Re: Shipping a CD 28 transatlantic

Post by Ken Cave »

Brian: Better check if decommissioning is included in the price (taking down the mast, boom, bubble wrapping everything, etc. etc. etc. -and-putting it back together again on the other side!!

I purchased my Cape Dory 28 in Long Beach Ca. last February and had it hauled to Anacortes WA. The trip was cheap compared to the expense for the labor involved in getting it ready for shippment as well as getting it ready for sailing!!

Ken Cave
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