Cape Dory Typhoon rudder removal

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Cape Dory Typhoon rudder removal

Post by Murray »

I have just purchased a 19' Cape Dory Typhoon. I am having problems removing the rudder. How do I remove the rudder?
Rick Parish

Re: Cape Dory Typhoon rudder removal

Post by Rick Parish »

My Typhoon was built in 1965, so what I can tell you about rudder removal is limited to my experience with that year's construction. First, remove the tiller cap. This is the bronze fitting that attaches the rudder shaft to the tiller. Then remove the bronze shoe that supports the lower end of the rudder stock. This is located at the lower aft end of the keel. There are probably 3 bolts that hold the shoe to the keel. Bedding compound probably hides these bolts from view, so poke around with a screw driver until you locate the bolts and edges of the shoe. Remove the shoe and dig a hole so you can drop the rudder shaft down through the hull.
Good luck
Murray wrote: I have just purchased a 19' Cape Dory Typhoon. I am having problems removing the rudder. How do I remove the rudder?

Re: Cape Dory Typhoon rudder removal

Post by sloopjohnl »

if your ty is mid to late seventies, the bronze shoe is glassed into the keel. you will have to grind away the fiberglass to get down to the shoe.

My Typhoon was built in 1965, so what I can tell you about rudder removal is limited to my experience with that year's construction. First, remove the tiller cap. This is the bronze fitting that attaches the rudder shaft to the tiller. Then remove the bronze shoe that supports the lower end of the rudder stock. This is located at the lower aft end of the keel. There are probably 3 bolts that hold the shoe to the keel. Bedding compound probably hides these bolts from view, so poke around with a screw driver until you locate the bolts and edges of the shoe. Remove the shoe and dig a hole so you can drop the rudder shaft down through the hull.
Rick Parish wrote: Good luck
Murray wrote: I have just purchased a 19' Cape Dory Typhoon. I am having problems removing the rudder. How do I remove the rudder?
Bill McMahon

Re: Cape Dory Typhoon rudder removal

Post by Bill McMahon »

I just replaced the rudder on my ’73 Ty this spring. There was enough play to lift it up and out of the shoe - had to dig a small hole in the ground to drop it down to get the post completely out though.
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