I am considering three different diesel cabin heaters for CD 30: The Taylor, the Dickinson Newport Fireplace, and the Force Ten Cozy Cabin. The Taylor is most expensive ($1000+), the Newport is bulky but has nice viewing window, and the Force Ten in inexpensive and compact but has a 1 inch vent pipe and I am concerned about odor.
Greatly appreciate any advice - want to stay away from propane applications for safety reasons.
Thanks, Tony B.
cabin heaters
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: cabin heaters
Tony:Tony Betz wrote: I am considering three different diesel cabin heaters for CD 30: The Taylor, the Dickinson Newport Fireplace, and the Force Ten Cozy Cabin. The Taylor is most expensive ($1000+), the Newport is bulky but has nice viewing window, and the Force Ten in inexpensive and compact but has a 1 inch vent pipe and I am concerned about odor.
Greatly appreciate any advice - want to stay away from propane applications for safety reasons.
Thanks, Tony B.
I have an Espar heater aboard Victory that I've been very happy with.
It draws its fuel directly from the deisel fuel tank and it's economical to use and very dependable. Of course, what do you expect from a $3,000 system.
Re: cabin heaters
Tony,Tony Betz wrote: I am considering three different diesel cabin heaters for CD 30: The Taylor, the Dickinson Newport Fireplace, and the Force Ten Cozy Cabin. The Taylor is most expensive ($1000+), the Newport is bulky but has nice viewing window, and the Force Ten in inexpensive and compact but has a 1 inch vent pipe and I am concerned about odor.
Greatly appreciate any advice - want to stay away from propane applications for safety reasons.
Thanks, Tony B.
The previous owner of our CD30 had a Taylor installed. It works great, and will run you out of the cabin if it isn't 30 deg. F. outside. Very economical to operate. Pay close attention to the clearances around the mounted stove, especially beneath it. It's amazing how much heat is projected down. Also, don't forget to put a heat shield on the bulkhead. Finally, investigate where you will mount the tank. Ours is mounted in the head on the forward, starboard bulkhead. It blocks my access to the basin. I'm thinking of moving it, but haven't decided where for sure just yet.
* The vent tube is 2.5 inches - a nonstandard size. This impacts changing out the existing smokestack to a "charley noble" to improve draft. It will occaisionally take a puff of smoke back into the cabin the wind hits it just right. Also, it will blow out if turned to the lowest possible setting.
* The exhaust is very sooty, and will leave black "yech" on your deck. Cleans with soap and water, but not with a broom, (it will just smear).
If you have an address for the manufacturer or a distributor, I'd appreciate your sharing it. I'm looking to revise my venting configuration. Good luck!
Steve Alarcon
CD30 Temerity