The 2007 CDSOA Maine Cruise

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Sea Hunt
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The 2007 CDSOA Maine Cruise

Post by Sea Hunt »

I returned yesterday from the 2007 CDSOA Maine cruise. It was an outstanding experience and one of the best week’s I have spent in a very long time. I was fortunate to meet many CDSOA members, most of whom I knew only from their postings and monikers.

I cannot begin to thank everyone for all of their kindnesses, assistance, offers of help with looking for a Cape Dory, etc. At the risk of offending those I forget to mention, there are a few folks I really must acknowledge.

First, Brian Carroll and Carl Thunberg. Carl first suggested I think about coming up from Miami to attend this event and then arranged to put me in touch with Brian Carroll. Brian and I talked via email and phone and he picked me up at the Portland Airport last Sunday. Brian has a custom-built Robinhood 36 (“Solmar”) that is absolutely beautiful. Without exaggeration, Brian taught me more about cruising and single-handing in one week than I have learned in all of the courses I have taken and the sailing I have done so far. He is an outstanding sailor and, after spending a week together in close quarters, I can tell you Brian is one terrific person. I now consider him a good friend. I had an outstanding time every day of the cruise. These are Brian’s sailing waters and he not only acted as sailing instructor but also as tour guide. I doubt I can ever repay his kindness and generosity.

I also want to thank David Bradbury (CD 36 “Harmony”). Without going into the details, David joined Brian and I on Solmar for the week when his crew (his nephew Nate) was not able to go. David is also an experienced cruiser and I learned much valuable information from him as well.

Carl and Marcia also hosted a lobster picnic at their cottage at Poorhouse (?) Cove. Everything was terrific. Marcia’s broccoli with yogurt was outstanding stuff. I think I may have “hogged” that bowl from others. Sorry. :wink: I am told there was a “heated” discussion of the fixed versus rotating prop war at one of the tables. Sorry I missed that.

On the last day, at Robinhood Marine Center, I met Brian’s better half - Debbie. She is also a terrific person. Debbie and Brian have a wonderful sailing partnership and I am hopeful they will again invite me to join them on Solmar next season.

There was only one disappointment on the cruise which I feel “duty bound” to mention. I had been told by many, including my family physician (and a long time friend) that it would be very cold in Maine and that I should bring cold weather gear. I did as I was told. Coming from the day in and day out oppressive heat and humidity of Miami, I looked forward with much anticipation to experiencing the cold, crisp weather of Maine. Unfortunately, I spent almost every day (and evening) in nothing more than shorts and a T-shirt. I wore a sweater only when Brian, David and I went somewhat offshore each day for some sailing with the Yankee, staysail and main fully deployed. Great fun :!: :!: :!: Great learning experience :!: :!: :!:

On Saturday morning, as I was packing to head back to Miami, it was raining and much, much colder. Marvo and Dean Abramson on Loda May motored by heading out of the RMC mooring field. Dean, fully dressed in foul and cold weather gear, hollered over “Happy now Robert :?: ” I think I may have noticed a touch of sarcasm in Dean's voice.

After 1-2 days of attending to family matters, I plan to renew my search for a Cape Dory.

Thanks to everyone on the CDSOA Maine cruise for making me feel very welcome and for generously offering advise, recommendations, assistance, etc. This is a true family of sailors.

Fair winds,
Fair winds,


Sea Hunt a/k/a "The Tadpole Sailor"
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Post by Zeida »

Welcome home, Sea hunt, but WHERE ARE THE PICTURES? :wink:
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Sea Hunt
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Post by Sea Hunt »

Hello Zeida:

Sorry. No photos :(

Many others took photos, including Bruce, Cathy and Brian C., not to mention the resident photo pro - Dean A.). I am sure they will be posting shortly on this board.

I again apologize for not mentioning everyone who was so very helpful and kind to me during the Maine cruise. If I did so, I would be listing/naming the entire flotilla :!:

Please know that I remember you and am very grateful for all of your advise, suggestions, etc.

CDers rock :!: :!: :!:

Fair winds,
Fair winds,


Sea Hunt a/k/a "The Tadpole Sailor"
CDSOA #1097
Dean Abramson
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Great Cruise

Post by Dean Abramson »

I second all of the kudos about The Cruise. It was a great time. The weather treated us quite well, and you could not ask for a better group of sailors to have a moving party with. Thanks so much to Carl, Marcia, Cathy and Bruce, for a lot of hard work in the planning and execution. When Marcia made special cinammon rolls, and Carl delivered them by skiff along with coffee the morning after the barbecue, that was just too much!

I am looking forward to hear from Stan, and from Leo and his crew, about their respective trips home. I know they got some strong wind at times.

We debated whether to leave Robinhood on Saturday because of the forecast, but decided to head out. Next time, we might play it more conservatively. Under staysail and single-reefed main, we had a lively sail down to Cape Small, but when we rounded the point there and left the mainland's relative protection, it was really honking, with a nasty chop, and the wind angle was such that we could not hold our course. After trying to motorsail east towards Falmouth for a while, we finally tacked, dropped the main, and headed up the New Meadows River, motoring with just the staysail as we could not quite hold the course under sail. Sebasco had no free moorings, so we went up to The Basin, where we had lots of company taking refuge! We ran into Len Kovitz there, and he had recorded a gust of 37 knots. Our towed inflatable dinghy (we shoulda stowed it) had flipped upside down, then later flipped back upright. A major regatta in Casco Bay that day had more than 30 boats drop out because of the wind strength. I did kinda ask myself at one point why the heck we were out there...

Dave, I was amazed to find your boat already at Handy's when we came in Sunday. Did you leave really early on Sunday, or make the mistake of following us on Saturday after all?

Readers should know that Sea Hunt modestly did not mention that their boat assisted and towed one of our ailing compatriot boats all the way from Muscongous Bay to Robinhood. Thumbs up to him and Brian and Dave, and Leo and crew, for turning Windhover's cruise from a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Me, I hardly take photos while sailing, sorry. I mostly leave my job behind, and took maybe two shots. But Bruce will have plenty, and I am told that Axel got good shots of the big whale which three of our boats encountered. That sucker gave us quite a start when it breached about 30 feet off our port quarter!

It was a great adventure and a great party, and it's wonderful to pick up tips and ideas from all the other sailors. We had fourteen boats, I believe. Cape Dory folks are great!

Dean Abramson
Cape Dory 31 "Loda May"
Falmouth, Maine
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Stan W.
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Made it home, no problem.

Post by Stan W. »

It was a bit rough offshore on Saturday but it sounds like it was worse near land. The only real issue was my tiller-pilot can't handle seas like that so I had to steer by hand the whole day. My course allowed me to keep the wind and seas on the beam which kept things manageable until the very end when I had to motor into some high winds and big seas to get into Gosport Harbor at Isles of Shoals. On the plus side, I made it from Seguin Island to Isles of Shoals in about 8.5 hours which is about as fast as it can be done in a 28 foot sailboat.
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Great time had by the Guthries

Post by cguthrie »

I second all the comments that compliment this great trip and its organizers. We had a blast getting to know everybody and exploring some new places.

Windhover is now at Robinhood awaiting repairs. Most everyone knows how we were towed, twice (oh, the humiliation! :oops: ) very kindly and professionally by Brian and his crew. That was due to a breakage in the exhaust elbow. Leo was great in coming abord and confirming it wasn't something we could fix on the fly.

I'm not sure if going aground was the final straw, but we started taking on water more regularly through the stuffing box the night we were in Boothbay. So, Robinhood is supposed to pull her out and repair that and the cutlas bearing, and probably a new shaft to boot. I had been wondering about doing the transmission at the same time since it has been slipping a bit when I go into reverse.

By the way, the dinner at the Meetinghouse was amazing. Thanks to all for the many kindnesses that came our way.

Cliff and Uli, Tom and Emelia
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A few pics

Post by Solmar »

Below are a few pictures, more to follow when Brian brings the laptop home


Friday Night Dinner Crew


Evening Light's Crew


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Evening Light

Post by bill2 »

Evening Light left Robinhood well after dinner around midnight give or take a bit ( Leo's log has the exact time and stats ). We picked ( ghosted ? ) our way out of the channel in a heavy mist and headed for the Gulf of Maine - in time for the blow on Saturday - which of course gave this crew member a memory I won't forget for awhile. Leo's seamanship was impressive - even repaired a broken line on the roller furler in the midst of it - very cool. We pulled into Groton Ct very late Sunday ( again Leo has exact time and stats in the log ).

I too echo Sea Hunt's thoughts - I met alot of people for the first time and everyone was friendly helpful and great company and a great time was had by all . Many thanks to Cathy, Bruce, Carl, Marcia et al for a great cruise. And of course Leo and the rest of his crew for making me feel "at home". I'm already planning on making time for the next cruise :D

I'll also have some pic's "real soon now" to post as soon as I throw out the fuzzy ones !

Again thanks to all for a great cruise :D
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Stan W.
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Some more photos

Post by Stan W. »

Landfall, the Cuckholds, Boothbay Harbor

Nonsly, Boothbay Harbor

Realization and Evening Light rafted in Maple Juice Cove

Windhover, Maple Juice Cove

The Olsen House, Maple Juice Cove

The fleet at anchor, Maple Juice Cove

The fleet at anchor, Poorhouse Cove

Damariscove Island
Leo MacDonald
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NE Fleet/CDSOA Maine Cruise 2007

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hi All,

A ‘THANK YOU’ is due to Carl & Marcia and Cathy & Bruce. :D I’ll speak for all in saying your efforts are much appreciated and we enjoyed everything. A well planed and executed cruise! The crew of E.L. had a wonderful time with everyone keenly interested in next year's 'Maine Sail'!

Will post later the results/experiences of our 'Offshore sail' from Robinhood, ME to Groton, CT. (Not for the faint-of-heart. Hint; look up "Force 7.")

Thanks again to Carl, Marcia, Cathy & Bruce and all the others working with them.
Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald
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Phil Shedd
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CDSOA cruise

Post by Phil Shedd »

Hi all

A wonderful time was had by all. Very nice to but faces to names and to talk to fellow owners about there boats. A thanks to Carl for arranging the dinner . The walk back was needed

Gamblin got back safely to Saint John last night . Tied up down town at 11:30 . We had three long days. We left Robinhood in the rain and had stiff winds all the way to Ilse de Haut . We were about three miles from the island we got hit by a gust that almost knocked us down. It did not last long but what a wind. We had the staysail and a bit of the genny out . They were not long coming off. Thank goodness for lifelines and harness.

The next day was to Cowsyard and from there onto Saint John. The saint John leg was about 80 nm . The reason for going all the way was the timing of the Grand Mannan channel and the falls in SJ. We came through the falls this morning at 8:30. A little tired but had a great trip. We did about 400 nm in the trip.

Thanks to all the people who made this event happen.

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Lew Gresham
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Who's Who!

Post by Lew Gresham »

Someone asked me who's who and which one is Sea Hunt. I only see two members I reconize, Bob and wife and Carl and his wife.
Maybe someone could name these dinner crew members.

[img] ... erCrew.jpg[/img]
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Dean Abramson
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Post by Dean Abramson »

Well, Lew. Like most folks my age, I can't remember what I went into the next room for, plus I am bad with names. Since no one else has exactly leapt on this, I will give it my best shot.

If I don't know, it may be because I just forgot, did not meet that person, or the resolution of the photo here on the web makes it too dicey. Please, no one be offended if I don't remember you, from this snapshot.

A few more disclaimers: some folks cruised and did not dine; some folks dined but did not cruise; the Robinhood Free Meeting House upstairs is like a church, and thusly, our three big tables were not contiguous.

Front row: Orrin from Queen B; Tom and Lynnette Kyasky; Stan; wife and Bob Dugan; Carl and Marcia Thunberg; Joe Montana; Dick Barthel; Cathy Monaghan; Axel Bolton and son and Rebekah Kaymen; Sam Mercereau.

Back row: Dan and Chris from Vermont; ? peeking from behind; me and my wife, Marilyn Gilkey (aka Marvo); Robert Bondi, aka Sea Hunt, with cap on; ?; Cliff and Uli Guthrie; Brian Carroll; Dave Bradbury; ? from Whisper; Pam Fenrich and Allen Evans from Whisper; Phil Shedd.

Hey, at least I took a stab at it!

Dean Abramson
Cape Dory 31 "Loda May"
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Post by Solmar »

The first ? peeking from behind is the new member from Peak's Island (John?) Second ? is Leo MacDonald.
Not bad for a person who claims to be bad with names.

Dean Abramson
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Post by Dean Abramson »

For some reason, Marvo and I thought that Leo was late for the dinner and was not in the photo. And man, he looks so young and fit, I thought it might be someone's son!

Bruce Halley and Debbie Carroll were taking the photos and don't appear here.

Dean Abramson
Cape Dory 31 "Loda May"
Falmouth, Maine
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