CDI furler for CD25

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Bill Willis

CDI furler for CD25

Post by Bill Willis »

I hope to purchase a CDI roller furler for my CD25 this winter. Could anyone recommend a sailmaker in the Annapolis/Chesapeake Bay area who could modify my original 150 genny for the Furler? Also is the FF2 model the correct size for a CD25? Is this an installation for a do-it-yourselfer? Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
CD25 #522 Sadie
Dave Nairns

Re: CDI furler for CD25

Post by Dave Nairns »

I hope to purchase a CDI roller furler for my CD25 this winter. Could anyone recommend a sailmaker in the Annapolis/Chesapeake Bay area who could modify my original 150 genny for the Furler? Also is the FF2 model the correct size for a CD25? Is this an installation for a do-it-yourselfer? Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
CD25 #522 Sadie
We just installed a CDI FF2 on our Typhoon & its outstanding to date.
Read the CDI literature that comes with the unit carefully. We installed our unit in ~ 8 hrs.
Ron Musk

Re: CDI furler for CD25

Post by Ron Musk »

I hope to purchase a CDI roller furler for my CD25 this winter. Could anyone recommend a sailmaker in the Annapolis/Chesapeake Bay area who could modify my original 150 genny for the Furler? Also is the FF2 model the correct size for a CD25? Is this an installation for a do-it-yourselfer? Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
CD25 #522 Sadie
Bill,We installed a CDI unit on our 25 2 yrs. ago with great results.I believe the oneyou want is the FF4 which the manufacturer recommended.I would strongly suggest using a foam luff backer and sacrificial cover.We used a kit from Sailrite which comes with everything needed and detailed instructions plus an 800 # to walk you through any problems.Used a home sewing machine and took most of a weekend to do ourselves.Some hand sewing was required for multiple layers in corner patch areas but otherwise kind of an enjoyable winter weekend project,cost was approx. $ 200. .Good luck..Ron CD25 #465 R&R
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