CD36 predecessor: Adriatic Alberg 37???
Moderator: Jim Walsh
- mashenden
- Posts: 510
- Joined: Apr 3rd, '05, 19:19
- Location: "Nautica" CD-36 #84, Ty-K #83, & CD-10 #1539 in Urbanna, VA. 4 other Tys in past
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Loser :)
Me, that is. I bid on this boat as well, but your bid must have trumped mine. I think you got a great deal... I was going for a steal (mainly based on budget than greed, in my defense). Oh well, my loss... no hard feelings though.
PLEASE keep us posted on what you find. I had come to the conclusion, with the help of this board, that it was an '83 or '84 CD 36, because of the angled bulkheads, bronze ports, bow sprit, wood work, etc.
I had somehow concluded it was not an '85 but yet the engine age would contradict this conclusion. Perhaps the '85s on the market are late year and this was an early or mid year boat.
I think the power panel may hold a clue. While it is not a close up, your pic sort of looks like there is a piece of teak at the bottom of the panel that may be covering the Cape Dory indication. The layout of the panel appears the same as the one provided in the previous post.
Where will you be keeping her?
Matt A
PLEASE keep us posted on what you find. I had come to the conclusion, with the help of this board, that it was an '83 or '84 CD 36, because of the angled bulkheads, bronze ports, bow sprit, wood work, etc.
I had somehow concluded it was not an '85 but yet the engine age would contradict this conclusion. Perhaps the '85s on the market are late year and this was an early or mid year boat.
I think the power panel may hold a clue. While it is not a close up, your pic sort of looks like there is a piece of teak at the bottom of the panel that may be covering the Cape Dory indication. The layout of the panel appears the same as the one provided in the previous post.
Where will you be keeping her?
Matt A
Matt Ashenden
- I used to like boating and fixing stuff, then I bought a couple of boats and now I just fix stuff
Oh, and please check out my webpage...
- I used to like boating and fixing stuff, then I bought a couple of boats and now I just fix stuff

Oh, and please check out my webpage...
- mashenden
- Posts: 510
- Joined: Apr 3rd, '05, 19:19
- Location: "Nautica" CD-36 #84, Ty-K #83, & CD-10 #1539 in Urbanna, VA. 4 other Tys in past
- Contact:
Alt Pic of Sugar's Power Panel
I have a better pic of the power panel that the previous owner sent me. The Cape Dory indication below the battery selector switch is covered by a label that reads "Stop Engine Before Switching Off". It appears (maybe) that the hull of the Cape Dory indication is showing at the bottom of the label.
The plot thickens
[Crap - I do not know how to attach a pic]
Matt A
The plot thickens

[Crap - I do not know how to attach a pic]
Matt A
Matt Ashenden
- I used to like boating and fixing stuff, then I bought a couple of boats and now I just fix stuff
Oh, and please check out my webpage...
- I used to like boating and fixing stuff, then I bought a couple of boats and now I just fix stuff

Oh, and please check out my webpage...
- Parfait's Provider
- Posts: 764
- Joined: Feb 6th, '05, 13:06
- Location: CD/36 #84, Parfait, Raleigh, NC
berthed Whortonsville, NC
Electrical Panel
The panel on your boat is an upgrade from Parfait's original equipment. Parfait is a 1983, hull #84 and she had two panels, one AC and one DC with too few breakers. They were a lighter color, but the same graphics. She also has a factory-installed blob of glass-enclosed something or other outboard of the starboard settee water tank.
Keep on sailing,
Ken Coit, ND7N
CD/36 #84
Raleigh, NC
Ken Coit, ND7N
CD/36 #84
Raleigh, NC
Re: Loser :)
85 is an odd year in the CD36. In early 85 boats were produced with the 84 layout and 84 and prior standard cockpit. Mid 85 they had the 84 layout but adopted the T shaped cockpit seen on on later CD36. Late 85 they had the T shaped cockpit and new interior (mast inside head, not outside).mashenden wrote: I had somehow concluded it was not an '85 but yet the engine age would contradict this conclusion. Perhaps the '85s on the market are late year and this was an early or mid year boat.
One might conclude its not an 85 because the cockpit is strait, not T, but I assure you they did make boats with T cockpits in 85 even though they had the "old" interior, even if only a few.
Considering the engine serial number, and boat traits, I suspect its very late 84 or very early 85. Even if serial number is for 85 engine, it could be an engine for 84, we all know how manfactuers can call something made in 84 an '85 model'.
All these clues narrow down things considerably though. Unless an inside HID is found the exact hull number may never be known. But given the engine date, this boat should most definately have been build in the time an interior HID was required, hopefully someone at robinhood will clue you in to the location of this hidden HID.
I suspect your boat is #120+ but less then #140. But there is a lot of speculation in that.
s/v (yet to be named) Tayana 42CC
s/v Lady Pauline Cape Dory 36 #117 (for sale)
s/v (yet to be named) Tayana 42CC
s/v Lady Pauline Cape Dory 36 #117 (for sale)
- Posts: 3535
- Joined: Feb 5th, '05, 20:42
- Location: '66 Typhoon "Grace", Hull # 42, Schooner "Ontario", CD 85D Hull #1
Quote: [Ken Coit writes]
"She also has a factory-installed blob of glass-enclosed something or other."
How could I let this mesmerizing gem of classic, descriptive prose pass unnoticed. Kudos to you, sir.
. . . . . and they think that all the great writers of today are on the west coast. Hmmmph.
Think spring,
"She also has a factory-installed blob of glass-enclosed something or other."
How could I let this mesmerizing gem of classic, descriptive prose pass unnoticed. Kudos to you, sir.

. . . . . and they think that all the great writers of today are on the west coast. Hmmmph.

Think spring,
- Parfait's Provider
- Posts: 764
- Joined: Feb 6th, '05, 13:06
- Location: CD/36 #84, Parfait, Raleigh, NC
berthed Whortonsville, NC
Globules in the Settee
Oh, I had to work on that a long time before I felt it was perfected. Surely Mr. Vigor could have done more with it. As an aside, there was a time when I thought maybe someone had buried a mistake in my boat; it took a lot of digging to come up with an explanation even though there is a distinct "CD '82" painted on it. I have not x-rayed, MRIed, CAT-scanned, or even ultrasounded the area. I'll bet it is lead shot and not a body. She doesn't list to port.
Oh, I had to work on that a long time before I felt it was perfected. Surely Mr. Vigor could have done more with it. As an aside, there was a time when I thought maybe someone had buried a mistake in my boat; it took a lot of digging to come up with an explanation even though there is a distinct "CD '82" painted on it. I have not x-rayed, MRIed, CAT-scanned, or even ultrasounded the area. I'll bet it is lead shot and not a body. She doesn't list to port.
Keep on sailing,
Ken Coit, ND7N
CD/36 #84
Raleigh, NC
Ken Coit, ND7N
CD/36 #84
Raleigh, NC
- Bill Cochrane
- Posts: 212
- Joined: Feb 5th, '05, 13:42
- Location: Cape Dory 36 #114
s/v Phoenix
CD36 Builder Plate Location
Where is the bronze/oval builders plate normally mounted on a CD36? TIA
- bottomscraper
- Posts: 1400
- Joined: Feb 5th, '05, 11:08
- Location: Previous Owner of CD36 Mahalo #163 1990
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Builders Plate Location
Ours is mounted centered about where the "1978" is over your companionway.
A previous owner kept the original but we had one made by Bristol Bronze. The shadow and mounting holes from the original were still there.
A previous owner kept the original but we had one made by Bristol Bronze. The shadow and mounting holes from the original were still there.
Rich Abato
Nordic Tug 34 Tanuki
Previous Owner Of CD36 Mahalo #163
Southern Maine
Nordic Tug 34 Tanuki
Previous Owner Of CD36 Mahalo #163
Southern Maine
- Bill Cochrane
- Posts: 212
- Joined: Feb 5th, '05, 13:42
- Location: Cape Dory 36 #114
s/v Phoenix
Builder's Plate
Here's a photo of ours, and I believe it's in it's original spot. There is no evidence of it having been moved, although it's certainly possible that different folks installed them at the factory and some placed them in the center, others offset.
<img width="540" src=" ... rPlate.jpg">
If you look closely you will see that the teak framing the companionway, on which the plate is mounted, is screwed in place and the holes counterbored and plugged. Your photo of the carved information shows no sign of plugs. One of the shots from below looks as if a piece has been added, but I don't have a good comparison shot from my boat, will try to get one in the next couple of days.
<img width="540" src=" ... rPlate.jpg">
If you look closely you will see that the teak framing the companionway, on which the plate is mounted, is screwed in place and the holes counterbored and plugged. Your photo of the carved information shows no sign of plugs. One of the shots from below looks as if a piece has been added, but I don't have a good comparison shot from my boat, will try to get one in the next couple of days.
- George Shaunfield
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Feb 7th, '05, 20:34
- Location: Wings of the Morning, CD26
and Westsail 28
Dickinson Bayou, Galveston Bay, TX
Hidden HIN#s
You asked where the hidden factory HIN numbers are. On my 1985 CD26 I have discovered two so far. One is molded in the inside of the hull in the port cockpit locker up high. The other one I have found is on the port side of the cabin below the electrical panel. Don't remember the exact position, but maybe I can get pictures.
You asked where the hidden factory HIN numbers are. On my 1985 CD26 I have discovered two so far. One is molded in the inside of the hull in the port cockpit locker up high. The other one I have found is on the port side of the cabin below the electrical panel. Don't remember the exact position, but maybe I can get pictures.