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by charlesaf3
Oct 1st, '22, 10:13
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: 1981 Typhoon Insurance
Replies: 11
Views: 1350

Re: 1981 Typhoon Insurance

I bet it's based on the fact I just inquired, and the boat hadn't been previously insured with Geico? Even though my other boat has.

Progressive online gave me a quote, I'm waiting to hear back from Erie
by charlesaf3
Sep 30th, '22, 15:23
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: 1981 Typhoon Insurance
Replies: 11
Views: 1350

Re: 1981 Typhoon Insurance

I have geico for my other boat, but they won't insure the Typhoon since it's over 40 years old evidently. Looks like progressive might, though I've heard bad things... and checking with Erie.
by charlesaf3
Sep 30th, '22, 13:09
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: 1981 Typhoon Insurance
Replies: 11
Views: 1350

1981 Typhoon Insurance

So it looks like Geico won't insure my Typhoon since its over 40 years old at this point.

I assume a lot of cape dory owners are in this postion, who do people use for insurance?
by charlesaf3
Jul 24th, '22, 10:12
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: trailer tongue weight
Replies: 5
Views: 749

Re: trailer tongue weight

I think 175 is too little. My Typhoon on a triad is way too rear waited, and I am Jiggering with things to get it to sit further forward. I put an eye in the bow, low, to help with this. I'd like at least 200 pounds. To little tongue weight and the trailer can start wagging the truck, which is a rea...
by charlesaf3
Jul 12th, '22, 15:01
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Inexpensive Online Sailmaker for Typhoon
Replies: 5
Views: 1012

Re: Inexpensive Online Sailmaker for Typhoon

absolutely, if local loft is at all close I will go with them.

How much was Precision more or less?

And is there really that much variation between typhoon mainsails?
by charlesaf3
Jul 12th, '22, 13:05
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Inexpensive Online Sailmaker for Typhoon
Replies: 5
Views: 1012

Inexpensive Online Sailmaker for Typhoon

I need new sails, pretty sure mine were original to the Typhoon - Main says "Cheoy Lee, Hong Kong, For Cape Dory"

I'm off the Rappahannock so I'm going to reach out to Latell, but are any of the online discount sailmakers any good? South East Asia Sails is certainly cheap...
by charlesaf3
Jun 30th, '22, 12:35
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: electric bilge pump on typhoon?
Replies: 6
Views: 691

Re: electric bilge pump on typhoon?

I wasn't concerned about frost because i didn't think about it.. That said i still an not worried as I'm in Virginia with plastic hose and i think it's a pretty easy risk to manage, just need to disconnect pump when i pull the boat. But thanks for mentioning it so i can add to checklist. Backflow is...
by charlesaf3
Jun 29th, '22, 09:42
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: electric bilge pump on typhoon?
Replies: 6
Views: 691

Re: electric bilge pump on typhoon?

I have rainwater in bilge, but my main issue is just thinking boats should have automatic bilge pumps. I went ahead and drilled 6" hole for an access hatch under the cockpit, with another 4" hole to feed the hose out towards the transom. 3/4" Marelon hole in transom. Pump is an 800, w...
by charlesaf3
Jun 23rd, '22, 08:08
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: electric bilge pump on typhoon?
Replies: 6
Views: 691

Re: electric bilge pump on typhoon?

The electrical makes sense to me, and is no issue - mine has a breaker panel, though I haven't checked it out for functionality yet. I am intending to do a 500 rule, the issue is I don't have a hole large enough to get it down - just a 4" in the cabin sole. Did you drill another hole, under the...
by charlesaf3
Jun 23rd, '22, 08:05
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Keel Plug
Replies: 5
Views: 662

Re: Keel Plug

ah yes, that makes sense, I certainly have nothing obvious
by charlesaf3
Jun 22nd, '22, 12:09
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: Keel Plug
Replies: 5
Views: 662

Re: Keel Plug

question, where is your keel plug? My Typhoon doesn't seem to have one. Wondering if I can't find it, or if it's covered up.

On a practical note, if you can determine the size and threading, I bet you could get it from Mcmaster Carr etc
by charlesaf3
Jun 22nd, '22, 10:57
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: electric bilge pump on typhoon?
Replies: 6
Views: 691

electric bilge pump on typhoon?

MyTyphoon has no electric bilge pump. Evidently normal? But I'd like to put one in.

Has anyone done so, and if so do they have pictures and suggestions?
by charlesaf3
Jun 22nd, '22, 10:52
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: 25" or 20" Outboard for Typhoon
Replies: 16
Views: 1547

Re: 25" or 20" Outboard for Typhoon

I ended up getting the 20" Mercury 5hp fwiw. Not because of the power, but because it has reverse, and the smaller ones don't. I have to reverse out of the slip every time. Doable without reverse, but it would annoy me. The mercury evidently has an alternator, so at some point I'll see about ri...
by charlesaf3
Apr 21st, '22, 21:33
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: 25" or 20" Outboard for Typhoon
Replies: 16
Views: 1547

Re: 25" or 20" Outboard for Typhoon

So I asked around, was told 3.5 will be fine, and looks like I'll have to get a 5hp.

Why? No reverse on the 3.5. Totally impractical for my docking situation, and anyone in a slip I'd think. I've done full 360 no reverse motors before, and the were a PITA. So 5 mercury it is it would appear.
by charlesaf3
Apr 21st, '22, 11:13
Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
Topic: 25" or 20" Outboard for Typhoon
Replies: 16
Views: 1547

Re: 25" or 20" Outboard for Typhoon

Sticking with a brand that is popular in your area is a good idea to obtain future support. You should research whether the warranty will be honored if you buy online. I know some manufacturers will not honor a warranty unless the new outboard was initially prepped by a dealer and the sale register...