Search found 7 matches
- Feb 22nd, '09, 09:20
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
- Feb 21st, '09, 09:35
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
- Feb 20th, '09, 16:58
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
It didn't float, alas. And I must admit, I didn't pay close enough attention to it to know of what it was constructed. I think there were three metal screws, one of which apparently had snapped at some previous time (according to the yard and my untrained eye). Given the currents we have here in Cas...
- Feb 20th, '09, 16:16
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
- Feb 19th, '09, 17:50
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
As best as I can tell, when the yard brought the boat in and put it in the cradle (I think that's the right term) on the rails, it was resting partially on the rudder vs. entirely on the keel. It appears the weight snapped off the rudder. It's not clear if the rudder had been damaged at some point i...
- Feb 19th, '09, 16:49
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
- Feb 19th, '09, 14:59
- Forum: Cape Dory Sailboats
- Topic: Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1998
Cape Dory Typhoon Hull #9 -- lost rudder
As my boat was being hauled this fall, the rudder broke off and was lost. Any suggestions on finding a replacement -- or how to locate specs for a new one -- would be appreciated. I love this boat and am just learning to sail her, so I don't want to miss any of the spring season, but would like ...